Friday, July 15, 2005

What They Are Really Saying Episode 10

Are you a hot, anorexic, communications/athletic trainer/donkey kong engineer major who would sleep with anything just to say you've been laid? Then, step right up, ladies, these guys are right for you! It is so easy to get laid by ANY of these guys! All you have to do is go to your local sports/car sale/hip-hop/unemployment/woman abuser location, say one cute line, and BAM...herpes :D!

(Please note: cars, sports (football and basketball), alcohol, and hip-hop are great to enjoy. Unemployment and female abuse are only for these guys because they are "special")

And away we go on the fantasmical journey of jocks and preps :)

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The only hat he'll be wearing with his job as a garbage man from now on :(

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You finally got drunk for the first time in your life to get accepted by your other peers. Now, here is your reward! :D

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It was Grey fox with the Jack Daniels bottle in the STD clinic!

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Timetable: 2:00 P.M. - Steal Parent's Plastic; 2:30 P.M. - Buy tux, booze, limo, and a whole bunch of fake jewelry; 4:00 P.M. - Pick up lay...I mean "date" for prom; 6:00 P.M. - Go to prom and act like complete idiot to make it look like I am a total badass; 9:00 P.M. - Take "date" back home; 9:15 P.M. - Get "date" drunk. Fuck her; 1:00 A.M. - Dump her in shopping cart in front of her home; 9: A.M. (Next Day) - Brag about subpar action I got and think I am a man as a result (If she claims rape, deny it and call her a slut). Boy, what a great night that's gonna be....

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"Tee hee, I can feel something poking my butt!"

"It's my hard-on I'm gonna fuck you with, you stupid drunk slut!" *SLAP!*

"Oh, you are the nicest boy in the world! I love it when you abuse me! LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Now, what's a Dirty Sanchez again?"

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A fellow co-worker told me pink is pimp and care bears and sponge bob squarepants are totally "in." Hmm...I think I'll stay "out" :/

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"Eyyyyy, dun fuk wit Starbucks, brudda! We are gunna be workin 'ere for da rist of our lives since drinkin, fuckin, and smokin da reef waz mo impotent den gettin a degri!"

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Pity date or absolute slut: You be the judge!

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Trust me....don't taste the rainbow...

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Why I was afraid of the bathroom when I was a freshman in college....

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Not preps....

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Wishes she could be prep....

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Paper bag over head, fuck her tits, call Johnny Cochrin for her impersonating Alianis Morrisette to try and be a prep...

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Uh...brown eyes....6'2"...Arizona Wildcats fan and proud of it...Jerd? "WAIT, DAT BE ME, FOO! WHAT THE FUCK, GREY FOX??? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PUT ME IN YOUR RANT WITH PREPS??? I'M GONNA KICK YOU IN THE FUCKING NUTS!"




Wednesday, July 13, 2005

What They Are Really Saying Episode 9

Ah computers. Where would our lives be without them? We can do so much with computers today, such as, playing powerful games, typing up boring reports, surfing the 2% useful internet for porno on those cold, lonely nights, and we can even post pictures of total strangers and say funny comments about them! Whatever you use your computer for, they help enrich our lives in many ways.

But then, there are those who can't seem to live without their computers. Of course, I would be upset if I lost my music and my movies, but if I lost my games, its no big deal. I can just start over! But what about the others? What about the people (guys mainly) who never leave their computers at all, even for class or their jobs? What about the ones who will shoot up their office and their school the next day for having their e-boyfriend or e-girlfriend dumping them for someone in reality? What do we do then?

There is nothing wrong with loving computers. Hell, if you like sitting in front of a computer all day, work for a career in an IT field. When you sit there and do nothing else, that's when the world passes you by and you suddenly realize you are worse than Goths, Preps, Jocks, Trekies, and nerds combined. You become the "Computer Nerd." The anti-social, obese, unshowered loser that would be better off swallowing 9mm of hot lead than endure the pain of life that will befall you later. We all reach this point at sometime in our life (cough *Tony* cough) and the question then becomes, do you accept your habit and adjust accordingly for the better of your life or do you remain the same and try to change everyone around you to try and better yourself? It's up to you to decide.

Anyway, here are some pics:

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Let's's not your's not your's not your must be your cholesterol!!!

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"I have an Athlon 3800 oced to 1523 with 1028 megs of Mushkin SSDR-DDR-QRAM on an MSI Neo-Platinum n-force 4 Deluxe mobo dual booting Linux Blackhead and a beta of Windows XP Corporate and dual GeForce 6800 Ultras SLIed. Fuck me."

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When asked for comment about what he was going to do with his life, he merely shed a tear and went back to his computer, whispering to it how much of an asshole I am and how he loves the computer so much...

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Ready to confuse and insult you for your lack of knowledge in computers! :)

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The real reason Red Hat Linux sucks so bad...

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To all you anime fangirls out there: Remember the really cute and kind guy who liked anime that you spoke with in that anime chat? Well, here he is! :D

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Celebrating his bail after trying to pick up a 14 year old female anime fan

I feel its time to bash on jocks and prep boys. That'll be easy. Till next time.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What They Are Really Saying Episode 8

I am engaged to an an attractive and total sweetheart here in Tucson who I have known for almost 3 years. I am quite happy to be with her, especially since she is dropping a lot of weight with me and she and I have fun things to do together that no other anorexic or blonde girl has done with me. However, getting to this point involved me swimming through the dreaded waters of the common part of a female species (cover your ears, ye children of God), WHORES. You can’t escape them. Even us “unattractive nerds” can’t avoid dating or being around whores in our “useless” lives. What I am about to reveal are the words of whores and how they try to manipulate men into their bidding.

Girl: I didn’t do anything over the weekend…
Translation: I got drunk with my sister and mother, screwed about 2 guys, and decided not to tell you because I don’t want to hurt your feelings when in fact I am hurting you because I am a lying whore who is trying to make it look like I have a modest life on weekends.

Girl: I’ve only kissed one guy.
Translation: To make it sound like I am not a little slut, I am going to say I only kissed one guy so I can take you on a ride until I have squeezed what I wanted out of you and move on.

Girl: Looks don’t matter to me.
Translation: Looks matter to me, but if I hurt you, I’ll have to have on my conscience that I made a man commit suicide over me. (Looks do matter, people. If you are not physically attracted to someone, then you only hurt yourself)

Girl: I want a guy that is sensitive.
Translation: I want a guy who looks good, has a lot of money, is good in bed, and beats the living hell out of me on a daily basis to where I keep coming back to him because I am “in love with him so much.” (THIS is what sensitivity is to a girl. ALMOST EVERY GIRL ON THIS PLANET DOES NOT WANT A NICE GUY. These are typically the girls that think that going to church will clean their slates and then they just go out and do it multiple times over and over.)

Girl: I just broke up with my boyfriend and I don’t want to see anyone for a while
Translation: just broke up with my boyfriend and I want to sleep with everyone but you.

Girl: I like to have fun.
Translation: I don’t want to talk to you or tell you about my interests because I am not attracted to you and am just trying to squeeze through the conversation so I can move on with my slutty life.

Girl: I like a funny guy.
Translation: I’m just gonna laugh at you even though you aren’t funny. (EVERY girl is like this at some point).

With that said, its time for the pics of these wonderful, white trash ladies:

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Sorry, porn star, Jessica Drake, your mouth only belongs on a dick, not a microphone (and stop calling my number, Jessica Drake does that own this number!!!!).

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Paper bag over head, fuck her tits, change your cell number

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This girl is from Holland, isn't that weird! :D (I posed as a lesbian in a chat and she gave me this pic right off the bat! She even showed herself on cam without asking to see me! WHORE!)

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Ah, perfect white trash and no boobs. The liquor is for the paying customer so he won't have to suffer from the instant effects of her syphillus after they have a cheap thrill :(

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Pool toys are now half off at your local IHOP! :D

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I've got a much bigger and better sausage for you, honey. This one even has creme filling! :D

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Basketball; is my favorite sport :)

I'll be taking stabs at computer nerds (like myself, except I'm a jerd since I like sports) next time. See ya later!

Monday, July 11, 2005

What They Are Really Saying Episode 7

Howdy, gang! I took the day off yesterday to clean and rest, but I am back once again to bring you more pictures of strangers and tell you what they are really saying!

Star Trek and Star Wars can be fun, it's true. But what if you want it to be more than that? What if you want it to be your life's ambition? What if you want it to be the most important thing above all else? That's when you become a Trekie or a Star Wars Geek (I don't know their proper term).

I'll admit, I love Star Wars movies, books, and video games, but I don't sit back at some emo coffee shop or in a circle full of unshowered pseudo-intellectuals and discuss which Star Wars characters could defeat Jedis or Star Trek Aliens or whatever. Nor do I sit at my computer all day (Tony *cough* Tony) and watch Star Trek while consuming 80 pizza burritos. This is when you know you've taken the hobby too far.

I have always wondered what would happen if we got Star Trek and Star Wars fans together in the same room. Robotic Chicken displayed it as murder and meyhem, but I am not buying that. Star Trek and Star Wars obsessors are too big of pussies to take a swing at someone. I'm probably assuming each of them would stand at either side of the room and use their "powers, lightsabers, or phasers" to cancel each other out...until they discover it's not real and kill themselves after relaizing they wasted their lives.

Well, here are the wonderful fans of Star Trek and Star Wars!

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After he got his school picture taken, the local football team jumped him with permission from the principal

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"Stand back! I am strong with the force and I told Master Yoda I would defend all the cheese puffs myself!"

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"Captain, I am detecting a high level of virgin/non-alcohol drinking/dweebs in quadrant 4."

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Don't forget to turn the knife on yourself when you are done with him

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Whoa, lookout! Someone insulted Darth Maul! Now he's gonna use his plastic toy and then cry in his blog about what an asshole you were!

Next episode, I think it's time to take stabs at preppy/white trash girls. See ya then!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

My First Hate Comment Has Arrived!

On Saturday, July 9th, 2005, A Day That Will Live In Infamy, this "blog" has received its very first hate comment. I am extremely proud to finally have some negative criticism coming in for my terrible work and would like to thank this anonymous poster from the bottom of my shoe. Here is what he/she/it wrote:

hey, u stupid fuk,

why r u making fun of goths? that is so mean and cruel! u should be ashmed of urself for bein a jerk! u have no idea the pain and tormet they go thru in life! fuk u and ur blog!

Yes, fuck me and my "blog." All the way! Just to let the rest of you douches know, for future reference, this is no longer a blog, but a rant site that happens to be free and on a blog site. I don't really blog too much anymore, after realizing that it truly is a waste of time and taking that class was totally pointless.

ANYway, despite this writers poor grammar and spelling, I think he/ is right. I should be ASHAMED of myself for BEING such a jerk. I mean, wow, with all the violence, pedophiles, and thieves out there, I should be ashamed of myself for teasing a bunch of strangers who I have never met and just making a silly joke or two. Shit, I even took a stab at myself, but I guess it wasn't enough for he/she/it. Well, news flash, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK. YOU WILL READ EVERY DAMN WORD I HAVE TO SAY ON THIS SITE AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, GO BACK TO RUSSIA!

My favorite statement comes from the point that I have no idea about the pain and TORMENT they go THROUGH. That is the biggest pile of shit I have EVER heard. Of COURSE I know about the pain they go through! I was a teenager once too! The pain of having a bedtime when you're in high school, getting meager allowance washing dishes and its not enough to buy that dog collar at hot topic (since all goths shop there for their "unique and mysterious" needs, and hating your parents for knowing what's best for you. Yeah, I know, what pain and TORMENT that is.

Look, just cut the bullshit, alright. They are just losers, admit it. I know there are some out there who are nice and actually love life, like real goths should. Hell, I am friends with a few. But seriously, they aren't anything special. They are just people who wear black, wear lots of crap makeup, and act depressed for attention. Guess what? I can do that as well. So can my fiance. So can anyone else who has the intelligence. But why don't we all do it? Because we are not sad and stupid little saps like you are. Get a fucking life and stop living in denial. YOU...ARE....MEDICORE.


Grey Fox

Saturday, July 09, 2005

What They Are Really Saying Episode 6

Cosplay- the act of dressing up as your favorite character from the nerd sub-culture (star trek, anime, etc) and acting out the character's roles.

Boy, what a wonderful way to spend your past time by running around like Pikachu from Pokemon and giving everyone an electric their eardrums from endlessly chanting "Pikachu!" Don't even get me started on trekkies. I KNOW one and let me tell you something, that boy is the most useless object on the face of this planet, more useless than a sack of dead kittens.

Sure, I dressed up for Episode 3 of Star Wars, plastic lightsaber at all. Did I run around and get into "duels" or try and scare people off? Hell no, I did it because dressing up for events is fun, but I'm not gonna act like some idiot and think I am all bad ass when I do it. I dress up at Anime cons as well...which can be a mistake because of all the nerds swarming around you wanting to take a picture while you try and get by to go have a beer in the lounge and watch some college football.

Well, here goes:

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I don't know who that is, but that is one PIMP robber getup!

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I'll do the Can Can Can...then kick you in the nuts for suggesting me to do it

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The guy in black is 24 and soliciting sex from the 13 year old "Sailor Moon." "TEE HEE HEE, YOU ARE SO KAWAIII!!! ^_^ LOLOLOLOLOL! SO, WHAT'S A DIRTY SANCHEZ AGAIN???"

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Isn't it amazing that that's what all The Transformers look like on the inside? BARF! THANKS FOR RUINING THE COOLEST CARTOON VILLAIN, YOU SACK OF SHIT!

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Heyyyyyy, a cat girl, nice. Say, how about we.....OH MY GOD, YOU'RE REALLY A MAN, ARGHHHH, SAVE ME, SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

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I KNEW IT! I KNEW JAMES WAS SECRETLY A MASOCHIST AND A PIKACHU WHORE! ....wait...that's a cosplayer................oh my God....I'm gonna be sick.......

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And to think, just two months from now, I am going to an Anime con in Denver....

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It's amazing, the Great Saiyman is gay in Dragon Ball Z AND in reality!

Well, I guess I'll show you some pics of those wild Star Trek and Star Wars fans!

Friday, July 08, 2005

What They Are Really Saying Episode 5

Why do goths have to take their sub-culture to the point of thinking they are better than everyone else by dressing up like a creep and wearing makeup to run around a park "scaring preps?" Seriously, why can't they do something more costructive with their time like reading books that aren't morbid or go hiking or play a fucking violent game instead of trying to act violent? Oh well, half of them usually go through suicide anyways because they are pussies who can't cope with their issues or make up shit about their families for sympathy and when they get it, end up dying. Here are some pictures of these "awesome" people:

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Paper bag over head, fuck her tits

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Damn, why do hot ones like that have to look dead and date closet homos? :(

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer could not be reached for comment, as she was hiding her face in the background in embarassment of her "friend."

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Getting a head start on begging for change in the streets

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Oh god, I am getting such a boner from these two grave-risers hugging each other...

Next time, I think it's finally time to make fun of cosplay.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

What They Are Really Saying Episode 4

Welcome to episode 4 of What They Are Really Saying. I have to warn you, today's episode contains images that will potentially never be removed from your mind EVER again. Viewer discretion is advised.

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Call me crazy, but what I think is about to occur here is illegal....

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"Will shaving my body make you wet, baby?"

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Episode 4 bites the dust. Next time, I'm going to show you more goth pics I found and believe me, they are HORRIBLE!