Friday, July 08, 2005

What They Are Really Saying Episode 5

Why do goths have to take their sub-culture to the point of thinking they are better than everyone else by dressing up like a creep and wearing makeup to run around a park "scaring preps?" Seriously, why can't they do something more costructive with their time like reading books that aren't morbid or go hiking or play a fucking violent game instead of trying to act violent? Oh well, half of them usually go through suicide anyways because they are pussies who can't cope with their issues or make up shit about their families for sympathy and when they get it, end up dying. Here are some pictures of these "awesome" people:

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Paper bag over head, fuck her tits

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Damn, why do hot ones like that have to look dead and date closet homos? :(

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer could not be reached for comment, as she was hiding her face in the background in embarassment of her "friend."

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Getting a head start on begging for change in the streets

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Oh god, I am getting such a boner from these two grave-risers hugging each other...

Next time, I think it's finally time to make fun of cosplay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, u stupid fuk

why r u making fun of goths? that is so mean and cruel! u should be ashmed of urself for bein a jerk! u have no idea the pain and tormet they go thru in life! fuk u and ur blog!

5:31 PM  

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