Friday, March 04, 2005

How to be thin the Incorrect way

The following I am about to post should NOT be attempted by ANYONE, especially ANY girls who actually read my blog (I doubt any do beyond my class). If you do read this and attempt to do these tips, I cannot be held responsible, as they are not my opinions AND I am merely stating MY opinions of these tips.

One night, my friend, Sean, sent me a link over AIM. I was a bit hesitant as to what was on it, since he had never sent me links before, but I clicked on it. The result was absolutely shocking and rather disturbing.

It gave tips on how to be anorexic AND bulimic!

As I read through, I felt more and more pleased with myself, but also, I felt sympathy with the men and women who actually follow this crap! What in the living HELL happened to exercise? What about low-carb diets??? My mom lost so much weight on a low-carb, walking 2 miles a day, plan and she looks wonderful!

Oh, I see now, it doesn't produce FAST enough results...

Good lord, impatience is going to be the ruin of society.

I'm 235 pounds, I have a stomach that sticks out, but I am no blimp. I don't eat too much junk food and I work out every morning before class. So what if I don't have bulging muscles? So what if I'm not thin? I don't WANT to be thin. Why? Because being big is intimidating. I am 6'2" so I don't look like some absolute blimp. I can breathe well, walk well, run well, and perform well on activities. I don't have heart problems, illnesses, or anything related to my body's shape.

Oh, I get it, it's that damn IMAGE crap the media stuffs down you sheep's throats everyday. I see.

Well, it's time I told you sheep the truth then. THEY USE LIPOSUCTION!

There are a few celebrities out there that actually and honestly diet, but it is a VERY low collection. Anna Nicole Smith, though I admire her breasts, did not lose all that weight on trimspa. Trimspa has been working on my friend, Julie, but did it ever occur to you celebs have lots of money and therefore can take shortcuts? Kristie Alley is using Jenny Craig apparently. I can believe that a little more seeing she is still fat, BUT, I wonder if she will become magically thin out of the blue like Smith did.

Everyday, we are exposed to magazines, movies, TV shows, and Girls Gone Wild. Some magazines give good advice, I agree, but you don't have to totally conform to what they tell you. Keep in mind that, like what I say, they are just opinions. We see thin women in movies, on television, and on GGW. It's ENTERTAINMENT. I am sick and tired of seeing girls mad about their bodies, especially if they are thin and call themselves fat. I am sick and tired of big guys being upset or commiting suicide because they watch GGW or movies and feel terrible because they can't get women like that. WHO CARES? Movies and TV are entertainment and escapes, not reality shows (and I mean it, survivor, fear factor, etc, ARE BULLSHIT). GGW is jack off material, not I am so ugly, I need to be/bewith someone like that.

Boney women disgust me. I hate it when I can see a woman's ribcage. That's not sexy, that's just...sick. I hate it when guys think they absolutely MUST be with thin women. Heh, well, if you're thin, you'll instantly get one. The truth is, looks DO matter. Anyone who disagrees is wrong, I am sorry. The inside only counts AFTER the physical attraction. I have to be physically attracted to a girl before I get to know them, now don't I? Big women (not REALLY big, I am sorry, but no matter how sweet you are, I am not attracted to huge women) don't really disgust me. If they have a stomach, big deal, they might have something else I like (chest, face, eyes, etc). Big guys shouldn't be ruled out either. Despite the fact that I have a stomach, girls think I am cute. Yeah, you can easily say, they are just saying that to make you feel better. Well, the ones that said I was cute dated me, a few even started long-term relationships with me.

The bottom line is this: you don't have to be thin to live in this world. The media is wrong to try and make you feel guilty just because you don't have DD breasts or you don't have rippling muscles or anything else they try and throw at you. You are you and that's that. Like what you want to like, even if others say its geeky or stupid. Do what you want to do in life. NEVER let go of your dreams, no matter WHAT people say about being in the real world (yes, things won't always go your way, as these adults who go to college and have been out there tell me, but I'm not going to be absolutely miserable about it like they are). All in all, BE YOUR GOD DAMN SELF.


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