Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The reason why I haven't Politically Blogged yet revealed!

You would seriously think that at my age, I should be focusing on politics and my views on our senate, the president, and so on. Well, believe it or not, I do. Buy why have I not posted anything about politics yet? Because I am never right and I am about to give several examples pertaining to why I am "always wrong."

The War on Iraq

When I was a sophomore in my spring semester, the war on terror had just started. I wasn't really upset with that, but more upset with the fact that they moved March Madness (NCAA Basketball Tournament) to ESPN instead of keeping it on CBS. I was stuck with the annoying and irritating Dick Vitale for many of the half time statistics.

Still, happy that I could watch it in some form, I sat down in the OUC Underground and watched the tourney. Unfortunately, Dick Vitale was not the only annoyance during the games, but the constant nagging of war protestors telling me to turn it to CNN, ABC, etc. "No, I told them, I want to watch basketball. We can catch the news later tonight and there are other TVs in the room as well." I was scoffed and commented as "uncaring" or "unpatriotic." Ha ha, I got news for you saps, I have more patriotism than Jerry Springer has guests on his show. However, for the time being, basketball was more important.

The next day, I came to the Underground a bit late to find the same protestors in front of the big TV shaking their heads at the news reports. My curiousity grew, so I sat as closely and as inconspiculously as possible to listen in on their Liberal Tripe. Here are some of the wonderful things I heard:

It's Saddam's people, he has every right to kill them

If I could get away with bashing someone's skull in...dyeh...

Moving on, let's analyze this statement for a second, shall we? She says that a leader of a country has the right to kill his own people. Ok, well, let me ask this then. How come George Bush doesn't kill us? Technically, we are his people (His "Fellow Americans"). So, why doesn't he send us to gas chambers when we speak ill of him? Why doesn't he rape his interns, or his daughter for that matter? Oh yeah, HE'S NOT INSANE OR A DICTATOR! I am sick and tired of these stupid Liberals bashing on Bush's speech patterns and his Conservative views. We live in the land of the free, but certain things in our capitalist governments have their limits for a reason. Its just a small price to pay for living in the land of the free. So, if any of you feel that George bush is a dictator, compare him to how Saddam was and re-think your ignorance a bit.

We're just fighting for oil

This happened to be spoken recently from a friend of one of my roomate's. Isn't he so smart and sophisticated for stating something that was partially true? Of COURSE we're fighting for oil. We invest in it, for christ's sake. what are we supposed to do, let the terrorists get their crummy low-down hands on it and then have you flippin hippies protest that we supplied them with oil? Besides, that is only a PART of the reason. Did you happen to see all of the happy people smashing their shoes on posters of Saddam (its a middle eastern insult if you don't know that)? Did you happen to see them taking down Saddam's statues? Well, in case you missed it, THEY DID. We liberated intelligent people from 80, that's right, 80 years of dictatorship. But wait, Grey Fox, that's not OUR problem, we can't just go and POLICE THE WORLD, you conservative asshole! Well, here is the thing, we tend to stick our noses in certain things we shouldn't. However, when you are a superpower country, YOU have a responsibility to the world. This war was not only a threat to us, but the whole wide WORLD. Oil is an investment of ours, and by golly, shouldn't you protect your investments? No? Oh, ok, have fun riding bicycles to work from now on.

Bush is just trying to make up for his dad not catching him

Life is about learning. We made the mistake of letting that tyrant go in the first place. But wait, didn't Saddam promise to let up on Kuwait? Yes he did. Did he let everyone go? Yeah, but then he turned his attention onto Iraq. So, guess what? He technically broke his promise and STILL hurt many lives as a result. Well, life is a lesson and Bush Jr. is making up for that mistake. So, yes, technically, you are right. Bush Jr. is trying to make up for his Dad's mistake, but not in the poor attempt at humor that you barked out of your worthless mouth. Gasp, why Grey Fox, you directly insulted him and dropped your tact there! Yeah, well, maybe if you people weren't such ignorant sluts, I wouldn't have to be so "mean." The truth hurts, as anyone should know.

There will be no weapons of Mass Destruction

And there weren't apparently. Still, better safe than sorry. Apparently, these protestors love living in fear and worry about death so much. I figured there weren't going to be any either, but I'm not going to say that we were stupid as a result of checking. Would you want to live day by day with the fear that you will die any minute in chemical warfare? But wait, Grey Fox, you CAN die any minute by ANYTHING, so you should embrace God, blah blah. Don't EVEN start with me on organized religion. I may not follow God, but I do not speak ill of him. I am flat out neutral. Not, athiest, nor agnostic, but NEUTRAL. I have no idea whether he exists or not, but that does not mean I have the right to say things like "I don't need God" or "God doesn't exist." and so on. I don't know and, rather than saying I don't care, I'll figure it out eventually. Logic is working just fin for me. As for dying at any moment, you're absolutely right. I could die at anytime, even while writing this blog. Do I care? Nope. Do i want to die, then? Of course not. I just don't want to live in fear every single day that I will die. I don't want it to happen, but if it happens, that's just the way it is. I'm no coward and I enjoy life, not worry about whether or not I am committing a sin. God will have a place for all of us who stay on the level, even if we make bad choices (and by bad choices, I am referring to choices in normal life, not those of a rapist or a killer). No one is perfect.

That's about the jist of it on thaat topic. As for politics overall, I hate debating about it. It gets annoying, irritating, and even at some points, boring. Come on, people, you DON'T need to start political discussions to show intelligence. Talk about something like what you learn in school, video games, sports, etc. Trust me, you won't look stupid (just make sure you're talking to the right people at the same time).

I hate Liberals because all they do is whine and moan and claim they want a better future. Ok, that is sound and just. But, when you people drag a pessimistic attitude along with it, it kind of makes you people look like hypocrites. You need to be optimistic if you want a better future. Better yet, you need to be balanced on the issues of today and what they will cause tomorrow, not sit back, whine, waste our money on the myth of global warming, and do nothing about it. now, I'm not saying I will never vote Democratic, but I am still waiting for one to fit MY needs. Kerry was a sissy and a poser because his creepy wife pulled his strings day in and day out.

Conservatives, I tend to lean more towards. I am independent myself, but I mostly vote Republican because they tend to lean towards more of what I am aiming for. I don't oppose change, but I don't want EVERYTHING to change. i like more traditional values. They are just, modest, and firm. The only reason people complain about them is because they do not get their ways as a result. Quit complaining, do you know how many people live in this country? All of our voices cannot be heard, so why not just do what you can from where you are. You DON'T need to make the whole world a better place (unless that is your striving ambition in life). Take it a step at a time through common curteousy: open a door for someone, clean up after yourself, not others, conserve what you can and don't worry too much about what you can't. Like the great Tyler Durden said in Fight Club: "Stop trying to be in control of everything and just let go." It works MIRACLES.

But, sadly, as many of you people are probably shaking your heads (if you haven't, start now), it means, I am wrong. Yeah, you're right, I am wrong about everything I just said despite the fact that they ARE facts, I am still alive and happy today following those ideals, and I haven't suffered under Bush at all.

To wrap things up, politics stress me too much. Sure, getting into debates can be fun, but if the people you are debating with are being stubborn and ignorant morons, its like talking to a brick wall. Oh, and a word of advice to you politcal brains in college, if you think girls are turned on by politics, well, the majority of them ARE NOT. Intelligence isn't sexy anymore, money and designer clothes and overly expensive cars you buy, but then put your whole life into debt over, are sexy. We'll live, somehow, though.


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