Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Tips for Otaku

This is a continuation of the previous blog.

Now that i have described to you the life of an Otaku, I think it's time I made some easy steps for him/her to follow:

Get Out Once in a While

I know your computer and your "fortress of solitude" bedroom is a great escape, but as you sit there and watch anime, the world passes by you so fast, you won't even know what you missed. Take a walk, go hiking, go on a vacation, play a sport. Do something else either than sitting around 24/7 wasting space and your parent's hard earned money.

Go to Class or Work

I've known a lot of friends and people who have skipped classes or even their job just to sit around and watch anime. That is a VERY poor decision. If you are in college, your future depends on the sucess of you making it through, otherwise, what the hell are you doing in college to begin with? Skipping out on work results in you being let go or fired. This looks bad on a job application in the future. Your life has other priorities than anime.

Maintain Cleanliness

Shower, comb hair, brush teeth, clean room, be organized. Don't let anime consume you to the point that you don't even follow common sense in personal hygene anymore.

Meet People

Yes, i am aware there are shy people in this world, but if you want to have real friends, you have to talk. If you meet other people who like anime, hang out with them in a balance of activeness and anime. If a girl stands next to you in a club, she wants to dance with you. DO NOT IGNORE HER!!!! Parties are not evil. Go to a party if you're invited and have fun. Talk, dance (if you can), drink (if you're old enough or willing to take a chance). Be polite and talk about something either than anime. Trust me, your lives will come into balance!

Beer is NOT Evil

I swear to God, I was the ONLY adult at that anime con who attended AND had a beer. Some snot nosed teenager said to me "Oh, beer, the nectar of the imbicles." I looked at him, yes, a teen disrespecting an adult, and promptly said: "Ohhh, look, ignorance, the bliss of a teenager!" I gave him less credit for the amount of intelligence I thought he had as he gave me a mean look followed by me laughing in his face. wow, he knew a big word! ANYway, beer is not a bad thing, just don't get drunk. Drink responsibly and i guarantee if you go to another party and drink, a few more people will talk to you. Beer loosens you up and relaxes you. Know your limit and don't go over it! However, if you are going to drink beer, drink GOOD beer, or any other alcohol.

Balance your Life

Make a schedule of what you want to do. Don't get rid of anime as a part of it, but make sure it doesn't dominate your life. Set aside time for school, sociality, maybe working out in a gym, food, and other little things. Fit anime where and when you can.

Well, that about does it for this blog. If you have any comments, good or bad, feel free to leave them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day

4:36 PM  

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