What They Are Really Saying Episode 1
I got the idea from the wonderful person back in Colorado who sent bondage pictures of me to my parents and thought it would ruin our lives when it merely made my dad quite happy to see me a pimpin ladies man and it made me realized I had to use a new password. So, God (or Goddess) bless you for your tireless endeavors to try and sink someone better than you!
ANYway, on behalf of photobucket and myself, here is episode 1 of What They Are Really Saying:

Former roomate Daniel Leathers follows through on his "being a killer" threat to me
Paper bag over head, fuck her tits
Uh-oh, its the goth troll under the bridge! If you try and hurt me with your whinyness and depression, I'll send my big brother goat after you!
We are intelligent, unique, hard-working individuals who are better than everyone else...even though we drink and get wasted like preps and jocks do, dress up to where we will never get a job, want respect, but scare off everyone, and stay out past curfew fucking animals and gravestones!
That's the end of Episode 1. Stay tuned next time when I take cheap stabs of gold at nerds and even myself (if I can find the damn cable connector to my camera)!
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