Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Your Blog Sucks (Sic)

You've been sitting idly by masturbating to furry porn and now it's time. The Your Blog Sucks event of a lifetime....


Instead, we bring you Weekend Update with Grey Fox!

Thank you, I'm Grey Fox and now the fake news...

Senator Harry Reid has gotten himself into a boxing fix, defending its viewing in Nevada. He claims, quote: "I have an obligation to make sure boxing is conducted properly in Nevada." He later added: "Oh, and in brothels too."

In Los Angeles, A widow won $2.1 million from a high-priced matchmaker whom she claimed failed to deliver on promises of introductions to cultured, wealthy men. Anne Majerik, a 60-year-old social worker from Erie, Pa., claimed in a lawsuit that she paid Beverly Hills matchmaker Orly Hadida $125,000 to be introduced to men who wanted monogamous relationships, earned more than $1 million and had estates of up to $20 million. The Israeli matchmaker hooked the woman up with a ton of inapropriate suitors, one being Ted Kennedy.

The Sony PSP might be used to access pornography. All this and more can be found in the magazine "DUH."

In Florida, Jason from WiLD 95.5 FM was pulled from a failed attempt to swim to Peanut Island. He said, quote, "Mother nature got the best of me and I found myself swimming in the same place the whole time." We here at The Truth feel its just easier to say, YOU'RE FUCKING FAT.

Elsewhere in Florida, an Orlando neighborhood was ablaze after a problem college student set fire to the trees. A neighbor of his, in his 60s, claimed he had always played loud music at inapropriate hours, walked onto the neighbor's yard and let his dog poop on it, and drive too fast down the street. Coming out of his house one morning to some trees on fire, the old man expressed outrage that the college student didn't use a pooper scooper again on his lawn....

In Gainsville...boy, Florida is just loaded with fun stuff from the Memorial Day weekend! In Gainsville, a Ronald MacDonald statue was stolen last Thursday and was reported to be taken by two homeless men. The statue was later recovered yesterday, but its virginity would be forever lost (there was a hole in the ass)

A 70 year old Scottish actor was charged with sexual harassment after spanking a 21 year old female co-actor on the butt. In his defense, he claimed, quote: "Pretty actresses deserve at least a spanking a day." Where the young actress replied: "And wrinkly old actors deserve at least 5 kicks in their withered nuts for even thinking that."

In Providence, police are investigating the origins of a human jawbone that was found near a strip club's trash bin and spent several months forgotten in the back of a construction supervisor's truck. It was later found out that sacrifical animals has been a hot fetish in Rhode Island for centuries. Seriously, folks, if you go back to colonial times, what do you think they did to piss God off sexually? "Oh, I have an idea, Sam, let's go to the local Indian village, kill a deer, fuck it, then use its jawbone on your penis!"

Australian streets are now being littered by a new group known as "Butt Force." They are dedicated to finding cigarette butts and making cigarette smokers furious if they catch them throwing their butts onto the ground. I guess this does beat their previous hobby: CRACK WHORE.

In Missouri, scientists have been supplementing rainbow trout diet with creatine, offering a fish 5 times stronger and thus more of a fight for anglers. The next task for these fish: hitting 70 home runs in one season.

And finally, in Athens, Georgia, 3 students were suspended from school after a teacher overheard them having a conversation about oral sex and the best way to give it. It should also be noted that these 3 students were third graders....boy, as if living in the south isn't bad enough (wink), I can just imagine how that conversation went? "Have you tried it with that new caramel flavor yet, Lucy?" "Oh, no, I'm still practicing it on my play-doh figurine."

And that's the way it is, adios, amigos!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What They Are Really Saying Episode 14

I've brought you goths, preps, emo, nerds, and even the white trash. Now we go deeper into the realms of human misery....

Do you own any pantyhose? A beret perhaps? What about high heeled shoes? Ok, if you've answered yes to these questions, that's fine. But wait...are you also a guy? If you answered yes just now, you perfectly fit this category.

I threw in some other bizarre lifeforms, hell, even myself. Enjoy!

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"It's still real to me!!!!" whines

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Hey, Wildcat fans, this is Head Coach Lute Olson here to tell you that if you fill up with 8 gallons of gas at your local Chevron, you get a free "freak of nature." Now, that's what I call a slam dunk!

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Local Scene Idiots: They go to run down theaters, listen to shitty local band music with incoherent lyrics, bob their heads, then retreat to your house and drink all your beer (possibly fuck your little sister too...or the cat, if it gets around).

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He asked if I had a light. I said no, then proceeded to gouge my eyes out with broaches

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The black gentleman's name is Forrest. He used to live in the same dorm I did when I was a freshman. The man next to him is a member of the KKK. Fill in the blank what will happen next!

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"I am tho ready to pilot your awthome thip!"

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Where's a REAL gun when you need one???

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I can only imagine what his children think of him now....

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Oh jesus...if I find out this is what my grandparents do in their spare time...

The "bizzare super awesome numero uno" picture of Grey Fox has been removed from this site for the following reasons:

Violation of FDA
Violation of The Mexican Council of Food
Violation of Doctor Pancake's "Bitch to Bull" Amendment
Violation of FCC
Violation of NAACP (by request of Jesse Jackson)
Violation of Miss Aya Pixie's (lawyer, dominatrix, accountant) "Bedtime and Naughties" Policy


Well, tomorrow, or whenever I feel like it, Doctor Pancakes and I will be giving part one of "How to survive a college party" entitled: Dress for Success!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Updates Start Monday

I'm going to be attending an ISSA conference in Phoenix this weekend, so I'm going to let my protoges take over while I'm gone. Look foward to these ass kicking articles:

How to survive a college party

Review on Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Your Blog Sucks: Guess I'm Not As Stupid To Read It As You Thought

Fables of Pizza Hut

Oh, and to shamefully promote my new competition

Yes, fans and haters, I've gained an enemy. It seems that I've finally pissed someone off enough to have an anti-troll webpage dedicated to destroying me. How awesome is that? I've never ever knew I'd become an evil martyr until now. Oh, by the way, we're all in high school again, whoopie.

I've also gotten a ton of emails asking who this guy is, where does he come from, do you know him, etc. Honestly, I've got three theories, but let me start by saying, you don't come out of no where and visits my site. I have only promoted my page through word of mouth, to webpages I have insulted, and on forums. Not once have I begun the total and ultimate revelation of this page, so, this guy is someone that has had a problem with me in the past.

As for my predictions, its either that guy I made cry on Advanced Anime because his psychotic attitude was so funny and stupid and he didn't like my opinions that he needed a life. One of mky old friends, Brandi, was upset with me because I don't spend every waking moment of my life on the net, so it could be her or even her "boyfriend" Mark (although I doubt that over-sensitive woman could get a guy named Mark, since that is such a manly name). Finally, it could be one of Jesse or Allie Marie's friends or even themselves doing this to try and teach me a lesson by mocking my attitude. Ok, so you can show aloofness to me or my underlings. "Want a cookie?" Oh fuck, that was gay. "Want a life?" Eh, that's too, oh well, let's leave it at that.

It's funny how this whole incident skyrocketed my ticker and has become quite a conversation at the drinking circle. I was waiting for this day and it hit me now. Guess all I need now is someone to threaten to kill me and I've accomplished just about everything this site stands for.

Regretfully, all comments are to be emailed from now on. Each and everyone of you ass kissing, anti-troll, fanboy and girl losers keep repeating your shit over and over in my comments section. Sure, different words, but same theme or context. If you have a problem with that, you can suck your balls. Maddox was right: letting festering weiners, whether fans or haters, comment on your page gets so annoying, you want to kick them in the teeth and then piss on their body while eating beef jerky. Oh yeah, here ya go, lacky. This is another site for your awesome cause.

I'll find some more for you too since I am your best friend.

Last Night

I was extremely sick last night so I come onto this magnificent blog and we had a very unusual spammer, spamming the blog with comments.

It was refreshing trading insults with some loser who tried taking the moral stance--but there was one thing holding the loser back from taking this attitude.

What was he doing reading our blog and then talking with us, human filth?

Evidently, he saw some of that filth in us in him.

Anyways, cheers and continue raising the traffic to this blog. ;)

PS: I'm waiting for the LOZR Vanisher to appear out of nowhere.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Futa Feud Continues

Grey Fox, you are a asshole, but that's one of your good qualities. I personally think people who smoke cancer sticks are fucking retarded, but I don't try to rip people apart because of it, I just don't go near them. That whole geek thing is bullshit. I've seen normal people do some sick shit. Mr. Futa Lover is a attention whore and so are you. remember, geeks make your cellphones and your bullshit ipods and the computer you use to spew your bullshit.And you say Anime is a bad habit? You're the kind of ass who loves to makes people look like shit to make youself look better. You assholes are right out of a high school special. You're also the kind of asshole who doesn't give a fuck about what I'm saying. To block the most obvious personal attack from a obvious ass, I'm celibate. I didn't listen to the bullshit peer pressure of high school. Porn in whole is pointless in my eyes. And what's your buck with anime/video game/antisocial and people who rather do something with their lives than over-populate the earth? Here's something all people should live by. Don't fuck with me, I don't fuck with you. But you get your jollies off of pissing people off. Here's some stats, why single out anime fans and geeks? Almost everybody on the net looks at porn. some of you probally have a way sicker fetish.

Some nerd named The Vanisher

I'm an asshole? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, ya think?

Jesus Christ, how many more futa loving idiots are going to visit my site and cry about how "evil and cruel" I am for making fun of their fetish? Also, how many more are going to continue to be ignorant like this moron (all, I hope)?

I have no idea when I insulted people who smoked cigarettes, but it seems Vanisher claims that I have(or he's trying to use it as an example to his point...which is utterly pointLESS). I went over to my brother's blog to quickly check and make sure that I didn't and I saw no bad comments about it. Vanisher....have another beer...chill...I'm not making fun of cigarette smokers.

It's not so much that I am an attention whore, but you're right on the button that I like to make people either laugh or piss them off. Who doesn't? Look at South Park, Family Guy, Maddox, Something Awful. They make fun of everything. You're just a fan who feels he needs to get off by defending weird habits when you don't even need to. It's all fun and games, enjoy it...actually, it's awesome when you get offended. You become a hypocrite when it comes to who is being the attention whore :)

Being someone who put my own computer together and working in Network Administration IF YOU EVEN BOTHERED TO READ MY PROFILE OR ANY OTHER OF MY ARTICLES INSTEAD OF JUMPING IN LIKE THE IGNORANT SLUT YOU ARE, you'd find out I am a jerd. I make fun of EVERYTHING, EVEN MYSELF. I'm an "asshole with no feelings," remember? I'm the guy that you wish you were, but wish you weren't since I lead such a "pathetic life." See, I'm a fair guy.

When the hell did I say anime was a bad habit? Holy shit, the ignorance swims with this guy so much, you can fill it's lard up about half of the Grand Canyon! One of my fans wrote that it can be a bad habit. I said it can lead to bad habits if you're obsessed with it. In general, it's just a hobby. I use it as a hobby, most of my friends do too. Anime is cool, there are just different levels of how cool or utterly disbelieving it can be.

Now, the rest of the whining suddenly turns into a big "I'm in the top 1% of my school, I'm better than you are intelligently, I don't need to pretend to be aloof" crybaby rant. It basically talks about how I supposively gave into peer pressure in high school, even though I never drank, smoked, or set things on fire. It also goes into how I am using this site to try and make myself feel better when moreso I use it to make people laugh, think, or get into these uncontollable rages to where they send me letters of love, like Vanisher. I've got lots in my life to make myself feel better. If I didn't, then I guess I'd be going onto your blog and crying like a pussy instead of laughing at how funny you are for trying to get revenge over sites that make fun of everything. GOOD SHOW, OL' BEAN! Wait....could it be that Vanisher's blog, when it's up, is going to be a site talking about other people's sites and how they are horrible because they poke fun at people? Uh oh, look who turned into the peer pressured one! Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Wow...just about everyone on the net looks at porn...funny how this whole time I thought I was the only one who did and those girls, aside from my fiance, were with me a different night each noight! First it'd be, than, then! But....MORE people are being with my e-hos??? WHAT THE FUCK?? I WILL HUNT THEM DOWN AND KILL THEM ALL!!!! Whoa, I gotta settle down. I almost sounded like Vanisher there for a second.

If you want to send me a topic to write about, make it a good one next time, not one trying to prove a point that doesn't matter to anyone else but you.

I got another comment, he wasn't finished:

You need some pills after you get off that high of Delusions of Grandeur and Importance. If you think your twisted opinion matters, You're fucking crazy

If I'm so crazy, how come I'm not the one having a cow over a fetish made fun of? Or, for that matter, why keep reading my site? You don't have to, you know, but it'll only hurt you in the long run. And just because I have a better self esteem than you ever will doesn't mean that you have to cry to all my fans about how much of a pussy you are since you love dickgirls so much (actually, you do. They love laughing at you idiots).

On a side note, a loyal supporter to Jesse has written the following:

Dude...Does Your Life Suck THAT Bad?Don't you have better things to do than troll around and harass people who are just trying to live their lives? If you don't like it, DON'T READ IT!This girl really IS going through a lot of shit, that you probably wouldn't understand even if I spelled it out for you.... if you don't like her writing, change the channel and go somewhere else... Look, there's better ways to get over your lack of a penis, or how short you an expensive sports car...develop some self esteem . . learn some people skills... busting this girl's chops isn't really doing YOU or HER any good....Thank you. Jillian making fun of people means one's life sucks now? Damn...I guess John Stewart, Will Ferrell, Jerry Seinfeld, etc. lives suck as well. I do have better things to do than troll around and harass people, but I take the time out of that better schedule to sit down and troll and harass people to get laughs and cries. Oh, I understand perfectly the shit she goes though: the government is fucking her over apparently and she is the only person on Earth with problems. See, I told you I understand :D.

Let's see, I don't need to brag about my penis or say someone else has a smaller penis seriously, because all that shows is the insulter has a small's ok, Jillian, they have pumps and pills that supposively work for that. I've got a Nissan 350Z, a fiance, a good amount of friends and co-worker sidekicks, and I love myself more than I love black licorice, since black licorice is the greatest invention of mankind and if you disagree, you are wrong and will go to hell for your sins....

So, you see, making fun of things means you now have no self-esteem, people. Jillian has now said it and it will be written in the Great Book of All Things...if it exists. Write it down, for you sin now if you make fun of someone.

Fans, lovers or haters, you know what to do. Start your engines.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Your Blog Sucks: The Randomness That Is Emo

Let's jump ahead, doubling the age of 13 to 26. At this age, you pretty much should have a good idea of what you want to be, or already are what you want to be. Sadly, there are still those who cannot achieve this standard yet. There are several reasons attributed to this "hold back" such as being a Liberal, buying into everything the media says, blaming the government and others for your misery, still being emo/goth/prep/nerd, and even eating 2 week old hot pockets from mommy and daddy's basement.

The Randomness That Is Jesse perfectly emulates many of the points previously mentioned. It is a tragic tale of a girl born into a capitalist government to parents and friends that scorned her for her crazy left-wing ways, such as Barbie dolls being sex objects instead of political leaders, birds all over the world dying day by day, local band scene idiocity when she became a teen, to her whining of how the government screws her out of insulin and crystal meth. One day, however, she decided to take the path of her destiny, and, as Batman before her, donned her symbol: The Emo Glasses. Once put on, she feels the vibes of pseudo-intellectuality rise in her brain, giving her the necessary strength to bash the greatest country on the face of this planet. We shall call her The Dark Dork (sorry, Batman, you're still awesome in my book).

The title of the blog is pretty low on the boner meter (not to mention, elementary in the creativity department), unlike Gliss 'n' Goss, The Truth, and Freedom No Longer Frees You, but I can feel something move down there when I think of how awesome it could have been. Something like: "Dyke For Hire" or "Give Me My Fucking Insulin Or I Go Postal At Work Tomorrow." Man, I'm fucking awesome. I'm gonna go jack off to my thoughts now since I am such an egotistical asshole.

It doesn't stop there, sports fans, it gets much worse. It started on some comments on my brother's blog that made her the target for sarcasm. She claims that health care in this country sucks. I find that rather funny considering my Grandpop got 21 grand from medicare for his surgery that he wasn't even expected to survive...AND DID. 21 grand and health care sucks? Yeah, just hang in there, baby! She also claims my brother to be a disgrace when the fact of the matter is, he's just an asshole like me. Come on, laugh a little, enjoy the satire. We know you're trying to be serious, but we're not. What do you expect us to do? Say that America is horrible when there is NO country on this planet that is complete? Give me a BREAK. Maybe if you actually went to fucking college and graduated, you'd be able to afford insulin rather than blaming the government of this great nation for every single problem you have. "Ouch, an ant bit me. IT'S ALL GEORGE BUSH'S FAULT!!! HE LETS ANTS EXIST IN THIS COUNTRY!" Yes...its allllll the evil government's fault for ants, ice cream melting too fast, and crackers being too salty.

What makes her even more amusing is her local band idiot scenes. She goes to take pictures of these homo groups such as Amun Rah (being purposely misspelled since she nearly miscarriaged for me typoing swim) and probably holding her Hi-C in a plastic cup and nodding her head like the other losers at a local band scene do. It's probably just a secret PETA or Green Peace hideout for all the social rejects to hang out at and piss their time away playing grab ass and reading poetry. They won't last long and no one but the people of Boston will know about them.

Cats are the only thing salvaging that blog. Cats rock infinately and will soon be writing for Jesse once they are locked in a room and eventually type out A Tale of Two Cities.

So, after randomly coming up to her blog and "bashing her when we don't know shit" (hellloooo, this site isn't called The Truth for nothing), we find a great target to make fun of until she either gives up on this endeavor or this site no longer becomes profitable (which will never happen unless blogspot decides to run out of business because of how "cruel" I am). She prays for my brother's do I. She was born to a responsible and intelligent man, and that's just terrible, folks, completely terrible. Children need to be born to drug dealers and "boys will be boys" types of moms who are lazy and have no respect for anyone opr anything. Yeah...what a perfect world that would be....woohoo.

Unfortunately, Jesse doesn't allow anonymous people to post on her blog, since she feels it'll be one of her family members or friends telling her how stupid and fucked up she's become. BE A MAN, YOU'RE EMBARASSING YOURSELF! Anyway, if you do have any lovely comments to type for her, please leave them here and I will make sure she personally gets them. Also, if anyone feels I am being mean to a lot of people, please tell me so I can send that to her as well and give her something small to hold onto. Be warned that you will be made fun of in some way regardless of what you type.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Weekend Update May 8-12

Hello, I'm The Truth and this is the fake news! :D

Our top story: In Africa, a bird flu has broken out in the Ivory Coast and it seems to have caused several people to flap their arms and cluck like hens. Former San Francisco player Merton Hanks was also told to be on scene.

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French Connection, the British retailer famous for its FCUK advertising slogans, has seen a further collapse in sales after its latest controversial campaign - a television advert featuring fisticuffs and lesbianism. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this type of lesbianism just doesn't work...

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Is the press at war with America? Many say yes, due to the fact of President Bush being in office. Many reporters have been trying to uncover more dirt on him and many Americans are hoping for the dawn of another democratic face in the White House. Or, as Bill Clinton puts it, a quote: "Dawn of my bent penis in the White House once again."

Richard Moriarty, a millionare in California known for his fabulous costume parties, has decorated the side of his house with a 1974 Lamborghini. Now, when I say decoarte, I mean he had the car bolted to the wall on the outside of his house....this is no joke. Apparently, he needed to find a better art showing after he went through his quote "bolting his female costume party members in his bedroom" phase....that was the joke...

A Brooklyn man with a long history of bloody encounters with the police barricaded his family in its apartment early yesterday - then bit off his tongue and spat it at cops and EMTs as they struggled to take him into custody. The tongue is now for sale on ebay, start you bidding now!

In Fairfax City, police have arrested a man and charged him with stabbing his mother to death, just two days before Mother's Day. The 24 year old stabbed his mother multiple times, then retreated to his getaway hideout at the local donut shop.

U.S. military troops with severe psychological problems have been sent to Iraq or kept in combat, even when superiors have been aware of signs of mental illness. Isn't this just great, folks? Now the mental soldiers can get their stress out by pretending that iraqi guy is his fat ass wife and settle things in the way he always wanted!

BARBIE dolls, the rite of passage for many young girls, may contribute to eating disorders in adolescence, according to new research. The study found that the Barbie dolls, which are far thinner than traditional shapes, particularly at the waist, make girls want to be unrealistically slim when they grow up. Let me give them something better to focus on so they can eat healthy:

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And finally, the Top 5 best TV moms has come out today in honor of Mothers Day listing Marion Cunningham of Happy Days as the number one TV mom. And who is the least favorite TV mom? You guessed it:

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Frank Stallone!

And that's the way it is! Join me next time when I give you a guide to surviving a college party!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Your Blog Sucks: When Children Have No Discipline

My brother has joined up on this site and lately he has been receiving really hilarious comments from a bunch of dipshits around BlogSpot. Thanks to these new sheep, I've bear witness to new horrors and crap that can only be explained in what The Truth calls: Your Blog Sucks.

You are a thirteen year old christian, but not really christian, more like, pre-Brittney Spears slut. You put up a front for mommy and daddy, making it look like you're a good little girl so they will buy you your makeup (which 13 year olds have no right using) and the latest Hawthorne Heights CD (who are emo fags to the max, but you listen to because you feel your life needs to emulate from theirs since you're a tard. Yes, a tard. You're not good enough for the re). Your friends talk in the "OMIGOSH, THAT IS SOOOOOO CUTE!" brain dead lingo that will be the only thing getting you by later in life. You also read romance novels to cover your sluttyness, therefore giving off the impression that later on, you want a nice guy, but the reality is, you want an abusive player who fucks you senseless and crooked. What do you do on the side? You blog absolute and useless shit.

This is where Allie Marie comes in. Gliss 'n' Goss (purposely misspelled to try and sound clever) is chuck full of young teen poopy goodness.

Ok, readers, this is the first ever post on Gliss 'n' Goss, website for my closest friends, others are welcome too! Hopefully, it will be........entertaining, in some way, i hope to prolly have somesort of quizzes, and Hott Gossip for evry1! So, don't be shy I'm gonna put some questions up and you could prolly give me advice or advice which i could transfer to my fellow companions! But whatever you do have FUN!

Wow, if this doesn't drip fun, I dunno what does! I find it amusing that a 13 year old girl would seriously try and get advice from the internet, especially strangers. All her new friends could be 60 year old guys trying to get off to her childish talking and the fact that she is 13. Yes, Allie Marie, there are older men out there that would want to fuck you no matter what you say, as sick as that is (The Truth does not support pedophiles in anyway. DO NOT ASK ME TO GET THIS GIRL'S INFO. YOU WILL BE IGNORED OR MADE FUN OF). Hot gossip, wow, like the shit from Entertainment Weekly? Nigga plz, I dun need dis shiz! Pardon my gay shorthand.

As for having fun, I'm having LOTS of it right here (read the comments section). Many can say that pestering a little kid is wrong, especially at my age, but the way I figure is if someone joins this site and posts crap, they better be prepared to handle the criticism and humor or shut up. She keeps replying, and it makes my self-esteem boost every single time :D

Moving back to the blog, not only is it tacky and irritating to read, thanks to the different text colors, it covers topics that little girls shouldn't even care about. Why does a 13 year old give a damn about boyfriends and celebrities and writing emo poetry that has absolutely nothing to do with her life when she should be playing sports or cleaning her room, or even watching cartoons? Jesus, the media in today's society really fucks with the kid's heads. It's like, having fun outside doesn't cut it anymore. You have to dress like a whore, have obnoxious little gossip bimbo friends, and try and talk like an adult. Where's the fun of just being a kid?

There was one post where she was having her period over why people don't follow God anymore, or never have from the start. It's not the fact that people don't follow God, they refuse to follow organized religion. The bible is full of shit, since it is no longer the word of God, but the word of man. It came into the existance about the time of Constantine's reign. How convenient, too, seeing as EVERYONE took into it and followed it and Constantine himself even became a martyr as a result. Kinda fishy, isn't it? It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that people were easy to manipulate back then into following things written "in the name of God," now, could it?

I'm not buying into the crap the bible says. My brother makes a GREAT point with the story of Job. A man who lost his great life as a result of a test, or as I call it, bet, God had with the devil, that Job would stay faithful even after losing all he cherised. How depressing is that? "Oh, he will be content in the afterlife." a Christian would say. Well, there is no guarantee any of us are even making it into some form of an afterlife, no matter how true, faithful, good, bad, etc, you are. If God manipulates in this manner, what chance would you have?

God isn't a tool of fear, hate (although many use him as one), nor is he wrathful. God is used as a comfort for people who cannot solve their own problems and turn to him instead. Personally, I believe that you should look within yourself and your loved ones to find your strength. God can only do so much, as you may become more dependent on him, or lose faith. This is what the purpose of life is, to hold onto some form of faith, but to also discover your purpose as well, not your purpose for God. If you do that, you waste his creation. Like I said before, I am not athiest, nor am I agnostic. I am purely neutral, plain and simple. Something is out there, but for now, I will use common logic.

Moving off that tangent and back to the child, it's just your typical whiny "cutesy" crap you can expect from a future preppy whore. Boys, online quizzes that don't produce actual results, and gossip about who's semen is saltier from the "cocks she has sucked."

I emplore all my fans to write to this kid immediately. Tell her how wonderful and original she is. Make her feel at home. Unfortunately, you cannot write them on her blog, since she only posts comments that make her feel good (the coward that she is). The purpose of keeping a blog is to accept all comments, love or hate, or else, you just make yourself vulnerable to criticism, therefore making it much easier to make fun of you....oh wait, I gave advice. Ignore it, please.

So, there you have it. Look into the crystal ball and you shall see another mediocre kid trying to sound important, but fails miserably at it :(

Next time on Your Blog Sucks, we look at a blog with another idiot female who blames the government for all of her misery! Till next time!