Saturday, May 13, 2006

Your Blog Sucks: When Children Have No Discipline

My brother has joined up on this site and lately he has been receiving really hilarious comments from a bunch of dipshits around BlogSpot. Thanks to these new sheep, I've bear witness to new horrors and crap that can only be explained in what The Truth calls: Your Blog Sucks.

You are a thirteen year old christian, but not really christian, more like, pre-Brittney Spears slut. You put up a front for mommy and daddy, making it look like you're a good little girl so they will buy you your makeup (which 13 year olds have no right using) and the latest Hawthorne Heights CD (who are emo fags to the max, but you listen to because you feel your life needs to emulate from theirs since you're a tard. Yes, a tard. You're not good enough for the re). Your friends talk in the "OMIGOSH, THAT IS SOOOOOO CUTE!" brain dead lingo that will be the only thing getting you by later in life. You also read romance novels to cover your sluttyness, therefore giving off the impression that later on, you want a nice guy, but the reality is, you want an abusive player who fucks you senseless and crooked. What do you do on the side? You blog absolute and useless shit.

This is where Allie Marie comes in. Gliss 'n' Goss (purposely misspelled to try and sound clever) is chuck full of young teen poopy goodness.

Ok, readers, this is the first ever post on Gliss 'n' Goss, website for my closest friends, others are welcome too! Hopefully, it will be........entertaining, in some way, i hope to prolly have somesort of quizzes, and Hott Gossip for evry1! So, don't be shy I'm gonna put some questions up and you could prolly give me advice or advice which i could transfer to my fellow companions! But whatever you do have FUN!

Wow, if this doesn't drip fun, I dunno what does! I find it amusing that a 13 year old girl would seriously try and get advice from the internet, especially strangers. All her new friends could be 60 year old guys trying to get off to her childish talking and the fact that she is 13. Yes, Allie Marie, there are older men out there that would want to fuck you no matter what you say, as sick as that is (The Truth does not support pedophiles in anyway. DO NOT ASK ME TO GET THIS GIRL'S INFO. YOU WILL BE IGNORED OR MADE FUN OF). Hot gossip, wow, like the shit from Entertainment Weekly? Nigga plz, I dun need dis shiz! Pardon my gay shorthand.

As for having fun, I'm having LOTS of it right here (read the comments section). Many can say that pestering a little kid is wrong, especially at my age, but the way I figure is if someone joins this site and posts crap, they better be prepared to handle the criticism and humor or shut up. She keeps replying, and it makes my self-esteem boost every single time :D

Moving back to the blog, not only is it tacky and irritating to read, thanks to the different text colors, it covers topics that little girls shouldn't even care about. Why does a 13 year old give a damn about boyfriends and celebrities and writing emo poetry that has absolutely nothing to do with her life when she should be playing sports or cleaning her room, or even watching cartoons? Jesus, the media in today's society really fucks with the kid's heads. It's like, having fun outside doesn't cut it anymore. You have to dress like a whore, have obnoxious little gossip bimbo friends, and try and talk like an adult. Where's the fun of just being a kid?

There was one post where she was having her period over why people don't follow God anymore, or never have from the start. It's not the fact that people don't follow God, they refuse to follow organized religion. The bible is full of shit, since it is no longer the word of God, but the word of man. It came into the existance about the time of Constantine's reign. How convenient, too, seeing as EVERYONE took into it and followed it and Constantine himself even became a martyr as a result. Kinda fishy, isn't it? It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that people were easy to manipulate back then into following things written "in the name of God," now, could it?

I'm not buying into the crap the bible says. My brother makes a GREAT point with the story of Job. A man who lost his great life as a result of a test, or as I call it, bet, God had with the devil, that Job would stay faithful even after losing all he cherised. How depressing is that? "Oh, he will be content in the afterlife." a Christian would say. Well, there is no guarantee any of us are even making it into some form of an afterlife, no matter how true, faithful, good, bad, etc, you are. If God manipulates in this manner, what chance would you have?

God isn't a tool of fear, hate (although many use him as one), nor is he wrathful. God is used as a comfort for people who cannot solve their own problems and turn to him instead. Personally, I believe that you should look within yourself and your loved ones to find your strength. God can only do so much, as you may become more dependent on him, or lose faith. This is what the purpose of life is, to hold onto some form of faith, but to also discover your purpose as well, not your purpose for God. If you do that, you waste his creation. Like I said before, I am not athiest, nor am I agnostic. I am purely neutral, plain and simple. Something is out there, but for now, I will use common logic.

Moving off that tangent and back to the child, it's just your typical whiny "cutesy" crap you can expect from a future preppy whore. Boys, online quizzes that don't produce actual results, and gossip about who's semen is saltier from the "cocks she has sucked."

I emplore all my fans to write to this kid immediately. Tell her how wonderful and original she is. Make her feel at home. Unfortunately, you cannot write them on her blog, since she only posts comments that make her feel good (the coward that she is). The purpose of keeping a blog is to accept all comments, love or hate, or else, you just make yourself vulnerable to criticism, therefore making it much easier to make fun of you....oh wait, I gave advice. Ignore it, please.

So, there you have it. Look into the crystal ball and you shall see another mediocre kid trying to sound important, but fails miserably at it :(

Next time on Your Blog Sucks, we look at a blog with another idiot female who blames the government for all of her misery! Till next time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bitch iz crazy!

uncle leo

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She didn't post my comment on her page. She really is afraid of negativity and it makes me sad too.


4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is allie black? i lik black grls who r 13

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i bet allie is fat, lonely, and suicidal, so she believes in god to make herself feel better

4:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Allie believes in God, and I believe in God, does that mean we're pre-destined to fuck?

Jesus Bowling

6:12 AM  

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