Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What They Are Really Saying Episode 13

With 13 being an unlucky number, this might be a really bad episode!!!!

And it is....of COUPLES!!!!

Ah, it's Valentines Day. Time to go out to Hallmark and buy your sweetheart the same card you got her last year, the same fattening chocolates to have an excuse to fuck other women, and for nerds to commit mass suicide in another year without a chick :(. Ah, but fear ye not, young shrews, the couples you are about to bear witness to will make you glad you have a 210 pound girlfriend/wife/inmate instead of a walrus, or a love doll instead of a wannabe vampire. Let's get started!

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Ah, true love under a moonlit, rat-infested alleyway, nothing like it

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Seems like she likes her made-to-order crossdressing/goth/homosexual male escorts a little too much....

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Now, that's a bit more like it...just a bit....oh no, you're real goth bitches? FUCK, THERE GOES MY DRACULA FANTASY....

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I sent him this for Valemtine's Day! I finally got the courage to show myself and take my top off for him!!! Why hasn't he written back?????

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Finally, TRUE love

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What your grandparents do while you're asleep

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Now...for the record...I need to know...which one is the woman in the relationship?

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Well...at least he's got two chicks. Good job, buddy

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Hm...I wonder if this is what my old roomate, Daniel Leathers, did while I was away from the room?

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Say no to school, say yes to drugs and animal humping, YEAHHHHHHHH!!!

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Your reward for making it through!

Well, good luck to all scoring pussy tonight. My thoughts and prayers are with you!


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