Monday, December 12, 2005

Cat Girl Psychology: People With Time To Burn

Ah, cat girls, one of those rare times where I actually like something bizarre in society's eyes. In case you're wondering what a cat girl is, the ones I like are women who have a normal female body, but have cat ears and a cat tail and has some of the cute mannerisms and affections of a real cat, NOTHING ELSE. That is the normal (and I use normal loosely here) realm of what a cat girl should be. There are others, like the ones completely covered in fur, or even ACTUAL cats that magically talk, that seem to capture the eyes of beastiality freaks everywhere. Therefore, they are dubbed (by the sub-culture) as "furries." I'll pass on that personally (cough, FREAKS, cough).

Beyond downloading pics to masturbate to, having your fiance or girlfriend dress up and act as one, drawing them, and writing stories about them, there really isn't more needed beyond that (as long as the fetish is kept in balance, of course). However, and it pains me to see this, cat girls are now officially being taken at a psychological view on this site here.

The "Cat Girl Research Foundation" is dedicated to understanding the psychological attractions men (and even women) have to cat girls. Apparently, they have gathered the most powerful nerds in the world together, gave them credentials they didn't even deserve (since BattleStar Galactica dominates their time and they have no time for more important things like showering and passing classes), and sat around munching on donuts and drinking whole milk trying to unlock the enigma which is the Cat Girl....

....WHO CARES?????

Cat Girls are cute, sexy, and dominant (the good ones are dominant. Fuck submissive women in those hentai games and movies and in reality), what else do you need to know. Why? Look at them, they have the feminine features that are sexified by the cat ears and tail. The cute affections and mannerisms and playfulness add a sparkle to sexual fantasy as well. That's allllllllll there is to it. I guess if we gave them a penis too, they'd be perfect!

I sounded like I spoke as if they were real there. Well, although it'd be great if they were, I get by just fine with the dress up in bed (anyone losing sleep over Cat Girls not existing need help).

Now, onto the content of the site. These "scientists" interview some of the SADDEST idiots I've seen in this past year of writing. I easily explained my attraction in a healthy and non-obsessive manner, due to the fact that I can get off to other things besides fantasy cat girls. However, reading these "researcher findings" makes me want to abandon this fetish:

Why is it that some people think that the epitome of female beauty has cat ears and a tail? As one of those people, I have to say that I have no idea. Catgirls have haunted my imagination since I was a small child; when I was six, my imaginary friend was one, and now that I'm older, my fiancée is one (in soul if not in body). And I don't know why I'm so attracted - mentally and physically - to girls that curl up in chairs and meow. That's the question that this page will answer. Once again; I need your help to solve the great mystery of my life!

Grim Malady

Solving the great mystery of life is very simple, Grim...if that is your real name! To unlock the great mystery of your life will involve you getting out of your chair in front of your computer, walking to that large door at the front of your mother's house, and then opening it. Be careful now, the sun might adversely effect your eyes! Then, go out and shoot a basketball or ride a bike or drink socially with friends. The mystery of your life will be revealed....and to make it easier on you, I'll tell you what it was: that you had no life to begin with and you focused on the most ridiculous idea WAY too seriously. I summed up my attraction in a simple, and not to mention, healthy summary instead of placing myself into the hands of people who probably have shitty jobs and try to vindicate their existances through making a website about the psychology of cat girls. Oh, and congrats on the engagement to your imaginary cat girl friend, I'm happy for you!

On a further note, remember that episode of South Park in Season 3 with Sexual Harassment Panda? When the boys went to that one Island of Misfit Mascots, they ran into a bunch of freaks that thought they were real animals that they dressed up as. I'm associating this to Grim's imaginary fiance and how he feels she is a cat. "Hey, I'm a REAL WORM!" "Ok...Ok!!! You're a real're a real cat....that air next to you is a real fiance...ok...ok...!!!"

Sheila Davis (probably a guy, but they wanted to use a girl name to make it look like women actually care) wrote:

"Like most attractions (especially sexual ones), the affinity for Catgirls springs from our deepest animal instincts. Given that humans only broke away from the rest of the primate family four million years ago or so, there's probably still some part of us that looks for a healthy fur coat and tail in a mate.
Those same instincts also tell men to look for a female that will be willing to do what they ask - cooking, cleaning, bearing children, etc. Who could be more submissive than a girl who's half housepet?
Also, cats tend to be very affectionate - unless their guardian has been extremely neglectful or abusive, they naturally want to rub up against you and give you a good licking. Given how much time, effort, and stress it takes to get the average human girl to that stage, it's no wonder so many of us are just as attracted - if not more so - to Catgirls."

oooo, this one had quotations even!

Oh yeah, s/he REALLY hit it on the note when I proposed to April. I wanted her for her lucious fur coat, sexy swaying tail, and those EARS full of mites, hell yeah! Funny thing is....she didn't have that....and strangely enough, I still proposed to her, even though she wasn't a cat girl. OH GOD, I'M SO AWKWARDDDDDDD!!!!

Heh....heh heh heh heh.....heh heh ha ha HA HA HA HA!!!!! LOOK FOR A WOMAN WHO SUBMITS TO MY EVERY WILL???? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS???? NAZI, GEMANY???? Cat Girls are supposed to be dominant (or submissive if you like that) figures of power to satisfy sexual urges, NOT CARRY IT OVER INTO DAILY LIFE! HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTT......

Well, can't entirely argue with the last paragraph, but, if a girl is SERIOUSLY trying to seek that as a lifestyle, I think it's time to go see a PROFESSIONAL psychologist.

Then, it moves on to the science of a cat girl: explaing the different species, gene manipulation, trying to find planets that have know, the common bullshit that a sub-culture (or cult) use to suck you in further into making your cat girl fetish unhealthy and weird, like this guy pousing as a chick:

"Personally, the cat affiliation probably starts with the fact that I have been the companion of and watched the litters of many many housecats. I have consorted with those who have believed that they were witches, and that guided me into the idea of shamanism (see Cat shaman, ShadowRun), where I found that my Cat was Tiger. I do believe that some of us who take the path of Totem Animal are disenfranchised in some way. For me, Tiger is a strengthening influence. She guides me to make choices that are the best for my life, and to take chances I wouldn't normally take because I can live through them. [...]As a follower of Tiger, I believe that some of her traits bleed into me from time to time. I have been told by someone who claims to have seen my aura (before they knew me personally) that they thought there was an actual Tiger sitting where I was. I found that flattering, but unlikely. I find, however, that when I am angry, I "feel" the fangs and claws growing. The eyes slit. My stance changes. In that, I believe I would fit your requirement for Catgirl, since I seem to "project" that image well enough for what I would call non-mystics to pick it up.The psychological appeal is, for me, an identity. There is no crisis when I can blend my feral self and my human self into one. Were I to try to shut out the wilder self, I would lose some self-esteem, a lot of direction, and likely, the ability to go outside my house. (That's a long story.)"


This "long story" can be summed up in a stream on one select word


Jesus Christ, is loving cat girls because they are sexy not good enough nowadays? Do these idiots really have to make people even stupider than they were in their anime universe????

Of course, it has a forum, which I have been debating whether or not to troll.

At least they gave me generous links to cat girl sites so I can draw some more. They even have a link to Bridget Wilde's gallery (she lives here in Tucson too. We're friends).

Finally, my favorite part of the site would definately have to be this:

This page is based on the assumption that while there are girls in the world who enjoy acting like cats, and that there are no girls who actually have been born with long furry tails or large cat ears as parts of their body. We only believe this because we have never seen any evidence that they do exist. If someone has any proof, by all means email us with said proof! Please!

In other words:

"We are desparate nerds who can't get laid by normal women! Please, if you have ANY proof of cat girls, bring them over on a leash so we can train them into our sex slaves and lose our virginity in the only way we can!"

God, I love life and I love sub-cultured freaks.

I'm going to have my sister email them with a link to this story. The Truth has spoken.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heheh. Good rant, matey. This line in particular made me giggle like a schoolgirl:
"I'm going to have my sister email them with a link to this story."
Top form.

10:22 AM  

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