Saturday, October 22, 2005

Christianity vs. Halloween: Guess Which Is Stupider?

Notre Dame robbed of a game last week to the fucking refs. Leinhart threw it out of bounds at the 4, not the 1. It was a pivot, if you saw his arm extend. And, there you go, Notre Dame robbed of the win just so USC could continue their creme puff season undefeated. UCLA sucks, I don't give a shit if they are undefeated. Look at their wins, just look at them, at who they played. Am I whining? Nah. Am I pissed? Anyone who watched it and is a Notre Dame fan would have been. Its funny how everyone who went for the other team and loses is called a whiner if their team lost. You suffer a loss in the biggest game of the year and tell me how you feel. Stop being a fucking moron and understand that losses like that are tough on the underdogs. They aren't whiners, they are disappointed.

If you follow God, that's fine. I know the bible can be quite a motivational tool for many people in life despite the fact that I don't agree with it 100% (I only agree with it about 7% to be honest). So, if you use God as a motivation for life, good for you. Life needs a drive and a form of meeting, even if it is one of being a mystic.

Now, where exactly do you draw the line between being a "true" christian, which are those that do not point fingers and use God to enrich their lives rather than others, and being a fanatical moron who condemns non-followers to hell and lives surrounded in endurance, rather than enjoyment and a bit of sacrifice (what's a life without some, after all), and to live in complete ignorance rather than open-mindedness. That is when it goes out of hand.

Why are fanatics so ignorant? How are they so sure that they themselves are not condemned to hell for pissing other people off in life just because they aren't "enlightened?" I'm enlightened, not all the way, but I use common logic and I am doing fine in life. So, what now? Oh, I don't follow God, ok, I'm gonna suffer in an afterlife that is not even guaranteed.

I gotta say this: just because you believe in God, it doesn't mean that you have an instant ticket into heaven or wherever the hell you end up once you die from not living a single day in your life. All it shows is that you cling onto some deity out of the fear that you could die at any minute. Ok, so what? So, you can die at any minute from disease, a car accident, etc. Yeah, that sucks, but, am I going to sit back and worry about that all day long? Nope. I am not afraid to die. Now, I'm not saying I want it to happen anytime soon, I am just not afraid of it. I am not going to lock myself up in some panic room and constantly call the cops whenever some teenager wearing black walks down the street and looks at me wrong. I am living life to how I see fit. My life is my own. I was given a gift and I am doing my best with it and for my fiance as well. Sound selfish? Well, you are wrong.

In my honest opinion, I highly doubt that God wanted you to sacrifice everything in life just for him. What is the point of life then if you're just put on it temporarily to worship someone and then die? That sounds so depressing and makes life completely pointless. I don't want to endure life just so I can go to heaven and become "content." Being content isn't a challenge if its instantly given to you. That is boring and sad to endure life for. I don't want to work with trials, I want to work with challenges and opportunities to better myself so I can improve my life and my fiance's and my future children's. I think God feels the same way. He made life for us to work with and he watches us to see what we do with it. And in return, he gives a slight hand to help us because too much of a hand and we become dependant. Too light of a hand and we lose faith. If we do our best, because we are not perfect, I think that is more important than constantly worshipping him every single day and wasting his gift to us. That is just as bad as satanists worshipping satan all day long. So, tell me, what's the difference? What is the difference between being a fanatical satanist and a fanatical christian besides the obvious reasons? Both seem to try and make life miserable for the other, so, what is the true moral difference?

Which brings me to this one point on christians and halloween. Chrisitan Answers says the following:

The October 31st holiday that we today know as Halloween has strong roots in paganism and is closely connected with worship of the Enemy of this world, Satan. It is a holiday that generally glorifies the dark things of this world, rather than the light of Jesus Christ, The Truth.

So what? So, it has a bad history of paganism. Christianity is no different. Did we forget about the fucking Spanish Inquisition in the 1500s? How christianity forced people into believing in God or dying? Or how about forcing natives into fore-going their Gods for another? Where is the moral difference? I just don't see it. So, is the "Light of Jesus" really the truth or just a bunch of cover-up political ideals and plagarized bullcrap accumulated by many people. I'm gonna say this, the bible was not written by God, it was written by man and is CONSTANTLY changed by man. Fanatics are by-product sheep not to the Word of God, but to the word of man. How about them apples?

Have you noticed how costumes and masks are getting generally more bloody, gory, and depraved each year? Unfortunately, the gruesome and grotesque and the occult are increasingly glorified in American society, not only on Halloween, but throughout the year in horror movies and in television programs.

Gee, I wonder what the difference is between that and the RELIGIOUS festivals in Mexico where SKULL MASKS are worn? All these answers are proving to me is just absolute and total ignorance that these sheep have in life. I guess it is true when Civilization IV comes out for the PC, Christianity will be perfect for civilizations that don't read well and follow anything. As for glorifying occult, its all in good fun. I love studying the occult and playing gory and creepy games. Would I literally go out and do it in real life? Of course not. Not everyone in society is stupid or pretentious (though I am starting to worry a bit nowadays).

My family does not celebrate it or participate in it. We do not believe that our children are "missing out," and neither do they. Other days are used for costumes and parties. Happily, all of our children have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal
Savior. We have found that Halloween provides an excellent time to remind our children that, as Christians, we are different, and not of this world (Heb. 11:13-16; 1 Pet. 2:11).

And I wonder if you gave your children the chance to accept Jesus or not? Children in religious families have no choice at a young age. They look up to their parents and mimic their choices usually. I know this guy is speaking for them rather than them speaking for themselves. Its dressing up, eating candy, and partying socially. What is so bad about that? Check the candy they get, make sure that if they are underage not to dress skanky, and make sure they are partying with trusted friends or family. Its not that hard, people, and I don't even have kids and I am saying this!

So, Christians are different and not of this world now. Wow...what a way to totally become a hypocrite. You know, satanists feel the same way, that they are not of this world and are special and unique, kinda like you saps! So, what is this new world they are part of? Are they aliens now? Thanks to this moron, I am now calling all Christians aliens. Its great how in situations like this, you don't have to work for the humor and idiocity, they just flat out give it to you here. Again, where is the difference? I am still waiting for that answer, Christian Answers, "The Truth." I got some news for you, I am the only truth here, bitches.

I want to wrap it up with the motherload of ignorance that christianity is spreading. In Ohio, christians are promoting abstinance from unmarried sex by saying the following, and I shit you not:

  • Using a condom stunts penis growth
  • Using birth control stunts fertility
  • AIDS can be contracted through kissing and tears

Hm, I used plenty of condoms in my life and my penis STILL grows out to its full length, girth, and shoots its normal load of the good stuff. April is still able to have a kid and she was on birth control for a bit. As for kissing, I haven't felt a drop in my immune system and I guess I gotta make sure that April is crying in sex from now on because apparently, christians are trying to say you need to cry in sex.

So, there you have it folks, christianity is clearly stupider than halloween. If you are a true christian, good for you, you are making God and those around you happy. If you are a fanatic, shame on you for screwing over our society. I hope their is a heaven so God can laugh in your face at how you wasted your life for "contentness."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is incredibly stupid! i can't believe religious assholes are using that to stop sex! thanks for the info!

3:34 PM  

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