Monday, October 31, 2005

A Career In Playing Video Games And How It Doesn't Matter

I love video games. I have played them since my fifth birthday when I got my first Nintendo. That started my long slide into the world of gamer geek. My pinnacle peak of geekyness topped off at the age of 19, when all I did was play games, watch anime, and take it up the ass from peers.

Yeah, life was so simple back then. I had to ruin it all by toning down my anime watching, playing games at night on weekdays, study even harder, and go out partying with people and drinking beer. Finally, I totally fucked up my life by getting a degree and a career at Cisco. Man, what a horrible decision THAT was... what I'd be saying if I were an overly-obsessed, pseudo-intellectual lard ball who sits in his computer chair 24/7 masturbating to Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Pee Force while his mother still makes his lunch. This is usually where die hard gamers end up: dropped out of college, living at home, no girlfriend or a really horrible one, no job or a really shitty one, and the chance of committing suicide at 25 when the inidivdual finally realizes how shitty his, or even her, life has been up to this point.

Then, there are some people, like a schmuck named "Fata1ity" (the 1 is used as a "leet," or LEE7, language gamers came up with to try and make themselves cooler, but sadly, it just drops them further down the nerd food chain) who play and actually win money. Now, that doesn't seem like such a bad idea at all. You spend days in and out practicing games with tons of Mountain Dew cans and (god forbid) Red Bulls piled up around you. Your friends go out to night clubs, parties, play a game of hoops, and so on, but that's not what's important in life, its having money all to yourself that is! Then you go to QuakeCon/E3/IWeztidMaiLifCon and kick everyone's asses and BAM, truckloads of money for you to buy more games and porno!

Now, you know, buying games with your money is fine. I love buying new games that I want to play when they come out, but I also put that money into bills, savings, and future vacation funds. I'm sure "Fata1ity" just spends the money on himself and his "danger zone" needs.

This kid has won so much fucking money, they even market his own vid cards and mobos because of how popular he is in the gaming community. So, I guess now, sitting on your butt all day and playing games is now a possible career interest with all the cash one could possibly win. I might as well quit my job and go into that since I'm really good at first person shooters.

After considering that, April slammed my face into the wall several times over and over to get that shit out of my head. I cried in agony, but she continued to shake the shit out of me, then threw me in chains to dispense with the spankings until I told her she was the chick in charge and I was being stupid. Now, I feel so much better for our choice.

The next day, after I awoke from my concussion, it was like my mind had totally become clear! I am not jealous of him for making tons of money for playing games, nor am I jealous that he has computer hardware named after him. It all became crystal: he is contributing NOTHING to society!

The first rule of youth is to help yourself first, use common curteousy, and then help others. You are not obligated to anyone outside your family, and in some cases, your friends (depends on he situations). You get your degree and you are now able to help whoever you work for and in return, it helps customers or business partners. Therefore, you are contributing to society. You sit on your ass all day playing games just to "pwn" a bunch of other lard ass gaming nerds who have nothing better to do with their miserable lives. You win money. Wow, way to go to leave something behind to vindicate your existance.

As painful as it may sound to the gaming geek, playing video games does not matter in life. Its a hobby, yes. It's fun, no argument there. You can make friends, of course. However, it doesn't matter in the business world unless you are actually contributing in the development of them. As bad as it is, girls usually don't like guys who play games. That is rather stupid, but when it comes to the ones who are doing nothing but gaming, then I agree that they are making the right choice. The rest of the time, those types of girls are just trying to fuel their ditzy egos by avoiding intelligent, occasionally out-going, semi-attractive gamers. Still, playing games really doesn't do much for society in the long run. I know I am the type of guy who dislikes protestors, religion, and other things like that, but I still make my contributions to who I work for, our benefactors, and when I come home. Then, I spend for myself.

But wait, Grey Fox, I don't see YOUR name on any merchandise! LOLOLOLOLOL. Ever heard of Metal Gear Solid, BITCH? HUH? YEAH, SUCK THAT FAT CYBERNETIC COCK, YEAH, YEAH!!! But seriously, my real name is not on any merchandise. Oh well, doesn't matter to me. So, Fata1ity has mobos and vid cards named after him. WOW. That's no different than Mary Kate and Ashley bringing out their own clothes line that they didn't even design themselves, and yes, its true. In reality, celebs who make their own clothes line aren't successful in the movie biz. Those who are successful in the movie biz, like the twins are, sadly, have people swarming around them while they sip their rum collins or whatever the fuck it is that celebs drink these days. Then, this is how they design their clothes: point a finger at a sketch they like, market money into it, put their names on it, even though they didn't design it, but the clothes designer dare not speak against the "mighty Olsen Twins," and PRESTO, clothes.

You see, at MY job, called NETWORK ADMINISTRATION, I ACTUALLY do hard WORK. Sure, sometimes I have to sit and watch lines on a computer for any illegal activity while I am looking at sports articles, naked women shoving shampoo bottles up their asses, and cartoons with incestual kittens, but I also have to train new employees, present quarterly reports, help fix bugs in our routers, and other things. Yeah, sure, sounds like a tie/cubicle job (though I don't have a cubicle), but guess what? I actually HELP people! I teach fundamentals to new guys and girls, I help make sure our products are top of the line for OUR consumers, and I make sure no one is screwing up our network so we can have a full day of productivity! THAT is contributing to society.

Fata1ity may have a lot of money and his names on a bunch of crappy hardware, but he didn't do any actual contributing work for it. Therefore, I don't count him as a cool rich celebrity, but, a boring rich nerd.

Oh, Happy Halloween to all my fellow fans, anti-fans, and the gothic sub-culture. I really hope you have fun cutting your wrists over graves tonight while you hump a dog dressed up as satan!


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