Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Some Words Of Wisdom And Five Awesome Hate Mails

As business has finally slowed down, my attention to my page has returned. Much has happened since my vacation and absence as well as many emails I have finally surfed through, read, and deleted, except for five really hilarious hate mails that I absolutely have to share with everyone. Before hand, it's time for a few stories.

A summer intern by the name of Kevin has become quite a popular chat at the office by the water cooler. Apparently since July, he has had the hots for our co-trainer, Josie (I never knew simply because I stay out of bullshit gossip like this, but since Kevin is such a sissy and drama queen, I couldn't afford to miss out on this chat). So far, the jist of it is that Kevin wants to date Josie, but Josie doesn't date low level desk people like Kevin (as shallow as that is, Josie is overall a decent and intelligent individual who picks bad guys to date). Furthermore, as I'm now in the great "Circle Jerk," she told me while I was working in the server room that Kevin would quit for her if it meant he could date her because she told him she doesn't want to get in trouble for dating an employee under her wing. I laughed at that, as I'm sure all of us guys have been down that road before where we sacrifice great things we have for a pretty face only later to find ourselves defrosting hotdogs in a gas station sink and wanting to swallow lead. I told her, as a joke (but not really because I am an asshole), that she should hug me VERY convincingly in front of him to get him riled up. She laughed and said we should, but being the "nice" person she is, she didn't want to tramatize him (drat). Now, apparently he's going after her sister, who is even worse than Josie (aka, even more shallow than Josie). I can't wait to see where this ends up.

My house has officially become a hotel. Not only do my fiancee and my sister live here now but my old buddy from my Pizza Hut days is now living with me so he can get off of his drug problems and my penpal from Arkansas, Jessie, wants to live here next year and have fun with April and me. Not a bad deal, but it's crazy how loud this house is now. At least I live in the foothills 2 miles away from anyone to even care. And my buddy pays good money on his paydays to help us out.

I picked up a hilarious manual I found on the street outside a KFC last week. It talks about animal rights and it made me laugh to tears and die a little inside on how mental these animal rights activists are. Pictures and a breakdown coming soon.

I haven't seen Jesus Camp yet unfortunately, but I guess two days after I see Casino Royale, I'll go and check it out.

Well, today was Election Day and I ended up mostly voting Republican except in two runners: Jim Pederson's idea of heavily taxing higher incomes is way too costly for someone like me, but on the Republican side, John Kyl wants to make abortion illegal. So, if a girl gets raped with no condom, she has to have the kid...pretty fucked up. I didn't vote for either. The other had an Independent Republican running and talked about setting a specific date you cannot get an abortion as well as reasonable ways to handle our border issues. I voted Independent for that.

Sadly, I'm seeing the pussies are defeating the assholes nationwide. It's funny how all these people think they will make a difference now that the blue have overwhelmed the red on Congress. What the fuck do you think will happen then? When the Republicans were majority, apparently no one liked the fact of having a great economy despite a war going on. What do you think will happen when the Democrats will take over? It'll be the opposite basically. I'm not saying Republicans need to have the majority since I am an Independent, what I am saying is that a balance of each is needed to keep everything in check. What you fags don't realize is that by electing a vast majority of Democrats into Congress, you've thrown off the balance of politics and now we're going to suffer with economy slumps, pussification, and tree hugging hippies. Oh, and if you did it to make sure Bush is impeached, you're fucked. Bush is going to finish his second term because there is nothing to impeach him with. He didn't lie about the economy, the war on terror wasn't a criminal offense, and so on. Ok, Bush is annoying sometimes and his speech patterns suck, but he isn't stupid, people. The only reason you think he is is because you don't like him. Just because you don't like someone doesn't make them stupid, genius. Ivy League university graduates are RARELY stupid.

On a side note, I wrote in my own vote between Pederson and Kyl. I voted for a box of TicTacs instead. No one on campaign trail would be able to resist the freshness of those babies. Someone got a problem with another's opinion on the floor? TicTac's fresh breath will cool those tempers down and make everyone orgasm and start a mosh pit on the floor.

A woman at work today asked me if I voted for Gabrielle Gifford instead of Robert Graf. I told her I voted for Graf and she went fucking nuts. She asked me, "Well, what if you get drafted???" I laughed and asked for what and she replied, "To go over to Iraq, idiot!" I laughed again, longer this time while pointing at her fat face and then said, "Honey, with the way things are going, there will be no need for the draft. We all thought we'd get drafted after 9/11 and it never happened. People also said WWIII was going to be started because of the Lebonese issue and it hasn't. And if I did get drafted, I'd fight because I am no coward and I have things in this country worth fighting for. This is the greatest country on the face of this planet and if you can't accept that, move to Mexico and find out what REAL suffering is." With that, she stormed off in a hurry with me laughing at her some more. Seriously, you Anti-American faggots, if you think this country is so bad, just get the fuck out. Go be a pussy like Canada or a bum like Mexico. You won't get great benefits, money, freedoms, and liberites above or below us like we do. No country is perfect and no country is complete, but we are the best and we will be the best for many years to come.

And now, the five hate mails in no particular order of awesomeness, except the last one is the best.

I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I caught my son reading your blog and I am disgusted at what you write. He was mouting off your horrible humor at the dinner table tonight and I asked him where he saw those lines. You are an asshole and a disgrace to humanity. Your parents must be ashamed to have given birth to you.

Some Loser Dad

This is too good to be true, honestly. It looks like some high school or college kid wrote it for kicks. Well, I have a sob story to tell from this. I caught my fiancee reading this hate mail and at the dinner table, she said "mouthing." I was enraged and immediately asked her where she picked up such a horrible word and she told me my email address. I went to read it and now she will never be allowed to be a part of humanity ever again. HA, I ACTUALLY REMOVED HER FROM HUMANITY. TAKE THAT, BITCH!

You fucking nigar lover,

How can you insult the death of one of the greatest sports heroes ever to be born? Dale Einhart Sr. was a fine man and the best racer in NASCAR. You probably watch that bullshit basketball or football and cheer for the nigars on the team because that's what you do and are, a nigar luvin' democratic liberal pussysucker. Go to war and get a job, you faggot!

Obvious Redneck

What's a nigar? If anyone knows, please leave me a comment or email me immediately.

hey shithead,

i think its fuked up how u insult Steve Irwin lik dat. he was a coo guy who saved many animals and did a lot more than u ever do. while u waste ur time on da net, i'm gonna go to collage and get a phd. fuk u!

A Snotty Kid

Laredo State University said you failed the admissions for writing in COLLAGE on your application.

What the fuck is your problem with people who like anime??? You like it too and yet you make fun of it yourself? That's so stupid! I'm going to tell you now that I scored a 33 on your test and I don't care because I love living in my parents basement and being 26 and watching anime and getting off to hentai. So what if I like it? Why does it have to be such a big deal with you? You are worthless.

A Virgin

I think this says it all pretty much, so no need for comment other then I'd be careful who you call worthless before looking at yourself in the mirror, you stud, you.

And now, the greatest hate mail of them all from my big pile (yes, it's about futanari):

I read your crappy article on futanari and I found it ridiculous. You have so many problems with people and their interests, yet you pitch that your own are fine even though much of what you like is what you seem to make fun of. That is hypocriticism and it just makes you look stupid by comparison.

Futanari is just a fetish that many guys out there like. You're not gay for liking it if you're a guy or roleplaying it with other guys. It seems you must be insecure about your sexuality to be making fun of futa lovers for their own choice.

You love cat girls and yet you don't find that weird? Again, hypocriticism. All you're doing is digging yourself into a hole with everything you say. Just give up and stop trying to act macho, you Republican asshole.

You are gay if you are a guy roleplaying with another guy, even if it's futanari.
You are gay if you would let a shemale fuck you in the ass.
I am not a Republican.
This site is dedicated to sarcasm and The Truth. Taking me 100% seriously makes you gay.
I make fun of what I like because my ass isn't plugged 24/7 by futa cock like yours is.
You are gay, it's ok. There is nothing wrong with it and you don't need to cry to me because I have a greater sense of humor than you.

And that just about does it. Tune in next time for some NDK aftermath.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to have you back! You sure did get a lot of idiotic hate mails, lol

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you know we're pretty much doomed completely once Bush is out of office. You know the whole country is going to vote for Hilary and then the hard working people of my state are going to lose so much money as a result. Bill will be coping some feels again too. You remind me of Steven Colbert somewhat and I'll let you in on a little secret: he hates politics and discussing it as much as you do.

4:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehehe, must have felt good to tell that woman off :P

2:25 PM  

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