Sunday, February 26, 2006

Grey Fox Defines Hurricane Katrina

Uh oh, here's another tough one to define. Recently getting my taxes done, I noticed they had deductions availible for people affected by this horrible disaster. What more can you ask for, outside of getting your homes and businesses rebuilt? It's simple to understand what it was, but, many morons on Urban Dictionary decided to expand upon it in their great and "Anti-American Eagle" ways (watch In Like Flint):

Kmari, a gangsta wannabe, wrote this:

An event which pointed out that President George Walker Bush is mentally challenged. We should keep in mind that the President's imperfections, situated at, clearly show that he might actually have an IQ of a peanut. So in respect to this, the country's reponse time, in my opinion, tends to be VERY slow. In other words, The Homeland Security should have raised the "terrorist threat" to red already!!!

Bush is THE Hurricane Katrina fo sho'

So, let me see if I got this right; Looting Wal-Mart: Good; George Bush trying to come up with a feasible and reasonable solution: Bad. It's amazing how people expect things to just instantly happen when things take time, but we do our best in emergencies to get things resolved as quickly as possible. Would you have prefered that Bush solved it with no planning at all and fuck up your communities even more so you have a new thing to whine about? Probably. It's just a no-win situation: you do something about it, you get blamed; you do nothing about it, you get blamed. Hypocritical thinking like this only leads to further lack of intelligence in the future. And wow, I had NO idea that Bush was the hurricane! Tell me, Kmari, do you happen to own a blog and work at Taco Bell?

T.M. Servo, a loser from Iowa, wrote:

A natural disaster that was made 10 times worse by an incompetent Federal response, and the fact that most of the National Guard is now in Iraq. A natural disaster that shows that our worthless stooge of a President is totally incapable of the job people voted him in for.

Hurricane Katrina caused part of the misery, the Bush adminstration provided the rest.

Question: How the fuck were we supposed to know that a greater hurricane was coming YEARS before it even occurs??? Meteorology isn't always accurate, shit happens, that's all it is. It's tragic and horrifying, don't get me wrong, but, once again, the government is still reacting and doing what it can with what we have. Why make people upset even more when an attempt is being made to resolve it? Answer: Emotions vs. Thinking. This guy obviously doesn't think, just feels and gets enraged. After he puts down his "Babes of the Cornfield" book, he decides to blame the easiest target of America: Bush. Hurricane Katrina provided ALL of the misery, you fuck up. From this definition, you're practically implying that Bush created the storms. What a loser.

Brindabella, a pathetic excuse for an Italian name, wrote:

The moment in history when the USA revealed to the world the hollowness of its claim to being the richest nation.

Yeah, well, what the fuck do you do for America besides write ignorant tripe on a dumbass marathon webpage? Once again, shit happens, we dealt with it the ways we could, and that's it. Quoting the immortal words of General George S. Patton: "If a man does his best, what else is there?"

Kyem 2010 wrote a funny little tale to insult Liberal ways of thinking:

The conspiracy that was set up by Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi River to take back the area between them-New Orleans. Their mortal enemy were the New Orleans levees, which had restricted their area for more than 300 years. The two bribed the Atlantic Ocean to throw a powerful hurricane at the City That Care Forgot. When conditions where right-Republicans in control and global warming rampart, Atlantia threw a powerful hurricane at the Gulf of Mexico. The child was christened Katrina. Unfortunately, Katrina got drunk and killed 10 people in Florida. Then, Katrina sobered up and headed towards New Orleans as a Category 4. It cause hell in NO, but the levees suffered the most and flooded New Orleans, killing 1,500+ people. Unfortunately, all the water was sucked out of New Orleans and now it's just a third world hellhole.

I would not be surpised if any blue boys took this seriously and believed it. This is sarcasm at its best (he's probably being serious himself, but, if you're smart enough, you can see how manipulative and sarcastic this definition can be).

Finally, the GREATEST definition of them all would have to be this one by Morgan Rocks God's Socks....yes...well done:

A massive hurricane, that wiped out new orleans. dumb liberals have been saying "its all George Bush's fault he didnt act fast enough" which isnt true Bush couldnt act because the govenor had to ask for his help, so he wasnt able to just step in. Read the constitution.

Moron: Hurricane Katrina is bush's fault
Me: No it isnt why would you say that?
Moron: Because he didnt step right in after the hurricane
Me: because he couldnt, the constitution states that after a disaster the govenor of the state has to request the president for help if he doesnt after a period of time the president has to decide if he should go in and help.


It's true. If the president were to come in without permission, it can be perceived as a crime and therefore, he would be in trouble....but I bet you Liberal douche bags already knew that and wanted him to try it so he could be thrown out of office, Kerry somehow put in, and our world be destroyed. SMARRTTTTTTTT. DEATH GOOD! LIFE BADDDDD! FIREEEEEEE, WEEEEEE!

I don't need to define it beyond the fact that it was a terrible natural disaster destroying many homes in Mississippi and Louisiana, made cops loot along with the rest of the crowd, caused rape to increase, and caused plenty of idiotic college students at Mardi Gras dress up in shirts bad mouthing America once again. "Oh, it's all George Bush's fault, I'm gonna go rape someone out of anger." Now, before Kanye West finds this site and proclaims "Grey Fox hates black people," I'd like to point out that I am referring to everyone who looted and raped, regardless of color and race. Now, you can say "Grey Fox hates the human race," which is untrue, but if it gets you off when the hentai and beastiality doesn't cut it on that night after a romantic meal with your real doll and spaghetti-o's, then I am glad to have been of service. You are the glue to our country (the stupidity at least).

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What They Are Really Saying Episode 13

With 13 being an unlucky number, this might be a really bad episode!!!!

And it is....of COUPLES!!!!

Ah, it's Valentines Day. Time to go out to Hallmark and buy your sweetheart the same card you got her last year, the same fattening chocolates to have an excuse to fuck other women, and for nerds to commit mass suicide in another year without a chick :(. Ah, but fear ye not, young shrews, the couples you are about to bear witness to will make you glad you have a 210 pound girlfriend/wife/inmate instead of a walrus, or a love doll instead of a wannabe vampire. Let's get started!

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Ah, true love under a moonlit, rat-infested alleyway, nothing like it

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Seems like she likes her made-to-order crossdressing/goth/homosexual male escorts a little too much....

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Now, that's a bit more like it...just a bit....oh no, you're real goth bitches? FUCK, THERE GOES MY DRACULA FANTASY....

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I sent him this for Valemtine's Day! I finally got the courage to show myself and take my top off for him!!! Why hasn't he written back?????

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Finally, TRUE love

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What your grandparents do while you're asleep

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Now...for the record...I need to know...which one is the woman in the relationship?

Image hosting by Photobucket least he's got two chicks. Good job, buddy

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Hm...I wonder if this is what my old roomate, Daniel Leathers, did while I was away from the room?

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Say no to school, say yes to drugs and animal humping, YEAHHHHHHHH!!!

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Your reward for making it through!

Well, good luck to all scoring pussy tonight. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Better Days....More like Red Neck Days

I may have a strong dislike to lots of sub-cultures, political idiots, and religious fanatics, but I still appreciate the good sides of them..IF there are any to begin with. In this case, I take a look at Jay Naylor.

From the start, Jay is just your typical e-pervert: drawing skankly dressed women, giving guys the dominance, making mature women sleezy, that sort of thing. Who doesn't do that nowadays? We all go online and act out our perverted fantasies, even if we have a girlfriend (if you consider flat out cyber sex with no promises cheating, you need serious help). So, ok, Jay is an e-pervert. At least his art style is not too shabby on characters (see, I found something good about it).

But wait....they're human lives....and having boobs....and having human sexual desires...OHHHHH, IT'S A FURRY SITE! Yeesh, just when you think something gets good, BAM, you realize you're lusting over a cat named Lucy. Who the FUCK names their cat Lucy??? Anyway, I guess the fetish romp continues, hooray!

I may like cat girls...but if you look at this site, I don't go THIS far. Jesus, how do people get into this sexual attraction for ANIMALS (*cough* PETA *cough*)??? It's like they were either born with a disease from birth that doomed them into an existance of being shunned to where they have to go online to become popular or it's like in childhood, where you are a boy and you play with dolls and your dad constantly belittles you by calling you a homosexual, but in this guy's case, he played with animals too much to where his dad constantly called him a sheep fucker. Once you leave the home, just about every child figures they are free to ruin their lives finally by going against EVERY teaching of the parent and giving into their fetishes deeper and dangerously.

Well, one weekly comic strip caught my eye. Better Days is a strip that follows two children...I MEAN, kittens who live with a slut mom in some hick town in Georgia (wherever that loser Jimmy Carter is from). Now, the kittens start out at the age of 10, despite the fact Fisk (the male) seems to be going after 14-15 year an elementary school (I've never been to Georgia, so I am figuring everyone is so stupid that elem and junior high are combined to lower teaching standards there). To make matters worse, these kittens are left alone while their mother goes on dates...AT THE AGE OF 10. Guess the law is also stupid or laid back in that state as well.

The comic's saving grace comes from some amusing scenes and decent quips, but beyond that, fucking at the age of 10 is still WRONG. But, well, these are old confederate states, so, I guess that's ok.

Eventually, the kittens grow up and enter high school and things just get worse. The mother finally stops slutting around, even though she is sleeping with a married man eventually. Lucy (female kitten) gets fucked a few times and regrets each time, but still does it. Fisk still talks like an adult, been spewing grown up chatter since he was 10 instead of living a normal life like every child does (honestly, giving a 10 year old adult intelligence is the gayest fucking shit I've seen). Clearly, it couldn't stoop any lower than all of this, right? WRONGGGGG....

If you've lived in a southern state like I have (Tennessee), you hear jokes and stereotypes up the road eventually....only to find out they are true as well.A majority are racist, of course. Most are poor, no surprise there. Many are DIE HARD, right to bear arms, republicans, whom I hate, and so on. The big one...inbreding...

Jay gives me two theories: Jay is a religious furry lover (too bad he's going to hell) and Jay has nothing wrong with incest since he molested his sister when they were 16. Brothers Arms will show what I'm talking about. Shit, I thought it said Brothers in Arms at first, which would have been kick ass. God, my sister is hot, but you don't see me banging her when she's sad.

Now that I've advertised Jay's site and made fun of his fantasy, a few side notes. You're probably wondering, why make a big deal out of a fantasy comic? First off, don't forget what this site is dedicated to. Second, this is what happens to you when you have a bad childhood: you use the talents you had, in many nerd's cases, drawing, eating chips fast, or writing, and you do fetish sites and become famous to other nerds in the fetish...only to eventually become forgotten. Finally, you secretly are a member of PETA and put a furry site up with subliminal messages of killing off human beings. This is what the next stage of evolution is: cats, dogs, hyenas, and mice will gain human intelligence and go around fucking each other in halloween costumes. FUCK YEAH, THAT'S AWESOME!

I think Jay would become a blip on the radar if he turned his whole site into a sci-fi site discussing the next stage of evolution in mammals. He should make a movie where Persia and Elizabeth destroy a city and then have lesbian sex after the invasion, thus explaining how Fisk and Lucy came into existance when the Vietnam II war cat came by and banged Persia before the war and than left...oh no, I've gone cross-eyed!!! But shit, that movie would kick so much ass in the camp department. He could call it "The Day the Earth Turned Animal Liberation Front Hyper Dancetastic Lesbian Furry Super Mega Movie!" Man, that kicks even more ass.

My condolences if you've now become a new fan of his. My ball busting love if you retain sanity in visiting his site. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to pretend my pillow is Persia and make love to her cat ass. OH YEAHHHHHHHH

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Grey Fox Defines 9/11

A really sad day for America. Many lost their lives, FDNY became a fashion statement all of the sudden, and it brought back shades of Pearl Harbor....

...but sadly, since this country has been slowly pussifying itself due to many ignorant political morons, Liberals mostly, no one really gave a fuck about what happened. As a matter of fact, many Americans said we deserved it!!!! So, suddenly, we begin protesting a war against Al Queda, the bastards who did this to us, instead of supporting our troops. We didn't protest in WWII (for obvious reasons). A similar situation of American soil and innocent lives being murdered and we are against action to it. Is it just me or is the whole country high?

So then, how can you truly define 9/11? Several dumbasses, teenagers, and unemployed adults on Urban Dictionary took stabs at it....many failed horribly. Here are my favorite definitions:

An Australian moron wrote:

The day when every myopic, simple-minded individual rode America’s nuts over a standard act of warfare, which was given a ridiculously high amount of coverage for something so insignificant in the world of war crimes. The fact that America had (and continues to) committed much viler, bloodthirsty acts towards other nations was irrelevant to the occasion, and people seemed oblivious to the fact that there can be repercussions to a country's despicable past actions.

If our country is so bad, then how come MILLIONS of immigrants all over the world flock to us? Hmmmmm......

Gunslingergirl (named after an anime, so therefore, we can assume this is a stupid brainwashed teen nerd who believes everything her teachers in high school say) wrote:

the day that screwed up america and all of its allies royally (well, only the ones that actaully declared war with the jackass). also the day that made america hate bush 10x more than we did in the first place. but more, it was the day when not only everyone was scared for life and/or lost a loved one, it was also a day when thousands of our loved ones were going to be sent to their meaningless deaths in the middle of the desert.

Funny, how men who enlist in the army are willing to sacrifice themselves for our freedom, and how we call it a "meaningless waste" for them to allow ourselves to continue on taking advantage of all the bad ass liberties we have. Yeah, they are REALLY meaningless.

Some guy in my state wrote:

The first battle of WWIII

Nah. What Israel plans on doing to Iran is more likely a light for the fuse of that, but even then, WWIII is FAR from happening in our lifetime.

Some religious fanatic who has given into the terrorist's true goal: to put one in fear, wrote:

Judgement Day. Just the beginning of a century of terror and dispair. Come 2012 another great depression. Come 2015 WW3. Come 2021 the end.

Whatever you say, oh wise and powerful plumber. Now, FIX MY LEAK!

And finally, the greatest one of them all:

The day Bush knocked down the towers.

I know, man. It's so possible for Bush to be sleepwalking, boarding a plane across seas, and then flying BOTH, not one, but BOTH planes, hurdling several to their doom. Boy, you really did your homework, buddy! Having fun on your mother's couch watching The Price is Right?

Unfortunately, all of these definitions are WRONG. It really saddens and worries me to see that the world, especially America, grows ignorant and stupid by the day. Never fear, The Truth has the TRUE meaning of 9/11, and it is as follows:

1. Liberal Mythology Day
2. The day The City of New York were all NOT heroes
3. A day of tragedy for many in New York and Washington D.C.
4. The day Osama Bin Laden decided to become a dead man

All four are true. If you disagree, then you are a conspirator to Al Queda and a brute squad will be knocking on your door to kick you in the nuts. But for now, let us analyze these definitions.

It seems many left-winged nuts have come up with so many ignorant and preposterous answers to that sad day. Bush crashed the planes into the towers, we deserved it, the building was re-structured after the 1993 bombing to suit the 9/11 attacks, The Pentagon was hit to throw off the trail that it was actually Bush's doing.

But wait, who is coming up with all of this rubbish? It couldn't be political figures, could it? What about scientists? No, your average, run-of-themill low to middle income common folk have been spreading this vomit around. You see, an unemployed man on this sad day suddenly and magically became a master architect who knows EVERYTHING about the World Trade Center. Nothing got past his little romp and analysis of the building on the internet (which isn't always accurate, mind you). And in between his masturbation and Pokemon sessions, he finally ran to his blog, posted his findings from the always trusting internet, and then masturbated some more to Misty fucking Pikachu with a penis in celebration. So, you see, you're believing the sources of assholes who just want to feel important and try to fit in with the Anti-American crowd since they can't look cool any other way.

The media labeled The City of New York as everyone being a hero.....despite the fact that 90% of the people in the vacinity ran like scared puppets. Oh sure, you hear them at 5th Ave. or Torrid or wherever saying "Oh, if I were there, I would have helped." only to realize they were one of the people running away. Face it, there is no shame in running for your life. You don't want to die, same as everyone else. If you could help someone escape on the way, you did your part. It's when idiot news reporters have to say such nonsense as calling everyone a hero that brings shame to a great city. The NYPD and FDNY are the real heroes. Thank you for all of your efforts and support. You will be remembered in history.

The last two are pretty self explainitory. Osama is a coward and a chicken wuss and it is only a matter of time before he is brought to justice, or pray he be in more merciful hands come the time he realizes his running will kill him.

I could say anyone protesting the war is a traitor to this country. I mean, what happened??? Pearl Harbor is bombed and we do whatever it takes to help our boys: ration, war bonds, joining car companies to make tanks. Now, we play tennis, eat expensive foods, go to the mall, etc. Oh, I did that too, aside from class (Freshman Year), but I donated what I could for our guys across the way: canned goods, money, clothing, little things to remind them of home. I didn't walk around and shout "stop fighting for oil." I knew it was more than that.

I wonder what will happen if the west coast were attacked? Well, besides doing the favor of scaring the blue boys over there (Liberals), I'm sure they'll get around and destroy all of our major army and navy bases on the coast line, since we DESERVE to be attacked by foreign countries to teach us a lesson for helping people put. Jesus Christ, I dunno how many times I have to say it, but, when you are a super power, you have a responsibility. If we sat around and did nothing for other countries, I guarantee we will piss them off even more. So, we help, we get hated, we don't help, we get hated more.

Get some fucking balls and just make up your freakin minds, I beg each and every one of you!