Another Wildcat Update
How The World Is, PERIOD
All of these are fair assumptions to make, but I am here to clarify who I am by separating the facts from the opinions
Yes, I am an asshole. I'm not the pussy kind, I'm the jackass kind. I had a rough childhood, not in the sense of family, more in the sense that my peers never accepted me. I was always mad, always caring what others thought of me, and always letting others push me around. When I entered college, my freshman year was a HUGE learning experience. I learned how to handle people on how they perceived me, their different opinions, and many other issues. I finally grew up at the age of 20 (not fully, just enough to notice a difference in my attitude) and developed a sarcastic attitude. The way I figure is this, why be mad at yourself and others when you can make fun of it? If you make a mistake, learn from it, of course, but tease yourself. It'll make yourself feel better and show you are not so hard on yourself. If someone is making fun of you or seriously offending you, don't be mad, play along with it. Be happy and have a good laugh and it'll piss them off even more than directly insulting them (which gives them what they want). I am serious when I need to be, however. If I weren't, I wouldn't be graduating soon, and that speaks for itself. All in all, I can seem non-chalant and cocky at times, but I have emotions as well, I just don't need to burden people around me with them. Being happy (I learned the hard way) is what people really want.
I can seem cynical at times. I am not a pessimist, but at the same time, I am not optimistic. I am skeptical, plain and simple. My cynicism roots more to the fact that many people (in my life anyways) do whatever it takes to get what they want, even if they hurt people in the process. I know you're thinking, this is an everyday thing, so many people get away with cheating, lying, etc. Then is the whole world cynical? I'll let you ponder on that. Moving on, its just a simple matter of logic and observation. A lot of people like to take advantage of me because my parents pay for my education and many think that I am getting a free ride and I can buy whatever I want. Now, even though they let me be frivolous once in a while, I cannot just simply blow 2000 bucks in one day. That is taking advantage of my parents and being totally disrespectful to everything they have taught me. The other thing is, if I want things, I have to work for them myself (and I am, but currently, I am hopping to another job). Then, what about the freeloading mama's boy? You're damn RIGHT I'm a mama's boy, because I at least take the time to respect my mother and write emails to her, talk on the phone with her, and even visit her. We may not see eye to eye all the time, but I love so much. She has helped me with relationships, school, and other things. Brenda (my friend Tony's mother), said something I will NEVER forget: "If a guy respects their mother, you know they are nice by default." Well, what can I say? I have a girlfriend as a result and some decent friends. The key thing is, just because I don't have to maintain a job yet doesn't mean I have a free ride. It's like financial aid, I have to produce the grades or I am on my own for good. So, call me cynical or even selfish if you want to.
I know I am not the best person in the world. Hell, there are so many people out there who are far better talented than I am at what I can do and what I can't. Do I care? Nope. Why not? Because what I can do is what I can do, period. So many people try to pretend that they are better than others through arrogance. Sometimes, I give that feeling off as well. I can clearly say, with no arrogance involved, I AM better than a lot of people. I may seem to have issues with people or I may seem to be grumpy or narrow minded at times, but the real deal is this: knowing when and when not to get involved with someone or something. If someone is mouching, threatening, or ill towards another, I won't get involved all of the time. If this person is forgiving of his or her mistake and never brings it up again, I accept that. If this person is too much and too uncompassionate, then I can't get involved. It's like the deal with the politics, I hate getting involved because people are so narrow-minded and, instead of accepting other opinions, they disagree and make you feel bad about your choice. It can be fun sometimes, but then again, do you really want to sit through that when there are better things to do? I am better than a lot of people, but I know there are people better than me at the same time. Oh well, I'm still going to live instead of fret, like most people do.
Yeah, I have a HUGE ego, you're absolutely right. When I was younger, I NEVER held any confidence or respect for myself. I always perceived myself as ugly, boring, dorkish, and pathetic. When you like the things I like (anime, games, writting, etc), of course these feelings will root. Then, hopefully, you grow up and realize how great of a person you really are and high school was high school (teens, immaturity, etc). You can say I am catching up on lost time of emphasizing how awesome I truly am, but maybe I do overdo it. Well, if it's just on a blog or in a discussion, oh well. The truth is this, you're not selfish for putting yourself first. If you had plans or if you need to get something done, then YOU FUCKING DO IT. Stop trying to put others before yourself all the time (but make sure you are kind and generous on occasion). My dad, the genius he is, said this to me, and I will never forget this as well: "If you can't help yourself first, how will you help others later on?" This is especially true for college. If you have homework or a project, you DO IT. Don't make up constant excuses just to avoid the work or even if you do help someone (and by help someone, I mean in a normal sense, not like saving someone from a burning building). It will come back to haunt you. If someone needs a ride, but you have a ton of work to do, tell him I am sorry, but I am extremely busy or call this guy, I'm sure he will. It's easy. All in all, yes, I tend to go overboard with me ego. So what? Who doesn't nowadays? We live in a society where your status and abilities actually matter (even though it's usually dishonest).
Yes, I fully agree, I am probably one of the most stubborn people in the world. But, come on, I'm 22 years old. I'm SUPPOSED to be stubborn. However, I have an open mind. Now, you're probably thinking, how the hell can you be stubborn and have an open mind at the same time? Think of it this way, I don't blow people off who disagree with me or if I disagree with them, I just choose to stick with what I believe in. I DO blow people off who say my opinions are lies or if they are just looking to be a dick (even though I do that often in a chat just to tease people). The bottom line is this: no one is perfect. If someone disagrees, it's not the end of the world. If it lingers on and on, it just causes problems. If you need to get a point across and someone is ignoring you, it IS rude, but there isn't much you can do. Talk to people that have similar beliefs as you and it is MUCH easier. Debate with someone ONLY when it matters.
I happen to lead quite a happy life. I know it seems I come on here and bitch and moan or something like that. Believe me, if I were bitching about all of this, I wouldn't even be sarcastic about it. I have problems with people and some people have problems with me. That's just the way life is. I don't always get my way, I have my good days and my bad days just like any normal person on this green and blue earth. I enjoy spreading my opinions on the net, even if it seems hurtful, unfair, and so on. I've seen worse opinions than mine and bigger bullshit than anything I could conjure up in a night's work. I love life and I will never stop living it until it's my time to pass on.
I hope this clears up anything you've thought about me before, but if you still think i'm some or all of the above, that's fine. I know the truth about me and that is all that is important.