Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Need A Place To Go To Really Piss Someone Off? Try Anime Forums!

Anime FanGirl: "I wrote this poem, I hope you all like it! ^______________^ LOLOLOLOLOLOL"

*Radom depression and emoness from a 16 year old who hasn't left the house or even lived a life on her own yet*

Anime Nerd: "Wow, that's really good ^__________________% oops, got an STD in my eye O_o LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL butsecks?"

Me: "Well written, but how is it you've experienced this type of misery when you have no responsiblities that would match these feelings since you live at home?"

Anime FanGirl: "You're a mean, unintelligent flamer! How dare you critique my work! You don't know anything even though you were a teen once!"

Member Name: You have been warned: Not liking a complete stranger bimbo's poem. You're suspended for 5 days.

Me: "Awesome."

Just a sample of the wonders and delights you'll be experiencing at my new gangbang. Now, like I've said, anime is a fun little side hobby to have on those boring Monday nights. On the other hand, this forum is quite a place to make wonderful friends, enemies, "mod-gods," yeah, a real friendly environment if you disagree or don't like someone's work! Eh, some of the people are nice, no ass kissing even required.

No wonder Something Awful forums require credit cards, it keeps the obnoxious teens out, or even half the unemployed who are complete idiots. Funny, how my title name has been changed from Senior Member, to the awesome Certified Jackass, to Igit. I'm not a douche bag, nor am I an idiot (except to people who don't like sarcasm, but they're not important...well, I take that back, they are important to satisfy my humor!), but since I disagree and use damn and self-censor, I've become one.

So, need tips on how to post on this forum? Look no further, because The Truth has just what you need!

1. Be like everyone else

No one here likes individuals, even though these pseudo-intellectuals constantly try to promote individuality. You have to like everyone's art, poems, opinions, etc. If you do not like them, then you are a flamer and an "Igit" and will be warned. Remember, ass kissing is EXTREMELY important. Who cares if it takes away from your dignity? This is Anime Forum, the last known haven for all anti-social rejects.

2. Fruits Basket and Naruto are the best animes

Again, you MUST like these animes or you're a fag, despite the fact these animes are for fags. If you do not like them, then you aren't considered a real man....which is funny, because I thought real men weren't fags...oh well.

3. Kiss the mod's asses and agree with whatever they say

So what if the forum is home to a bunch of pedophiles? So what if 11 year old girls are being hit on by adults? Bush is the cause of Hurricane Katrina and all misery in the U.S. You disagreed with me, you're banned. "Yeah, I agree with EVERYTHING you said! You're so smart and intelligent even though you just give into media tripe and come up with total crap! Way to tell that guy off! Now that I've fueled your internet ego up enough, give me a good reputation since its the only thing I have left vindicating my existance!" This is the TRUE way to treat a mod, since they are far greater than you. Pray you never argue with him or her against her opinions on which Sailor Senshi could kick the shit out of a DBZ character or which hentai babe is their secret crush. They are more experienced in simple HTML than you and are your gods...until you realize they are shunned by society and can only get power by banning sarcastic people or people that disagree with them, then post a bunch of nonsense about them, even lying about them. It's what they need to get off.

4. Take everything seriously

You're a teenager, you already know everything there is to know about life from your comfortable home and your parents spoiling you rotten. However, your life is still depressing because your mom won't let you out after 9 or give you an advance in your allowance so you can buy the latest Fallout Boy CD. This is a PERFECT reason to slit your wrists or tell everyone how miserable you are. How dare you try and cheer them up through sarcasm and jokes. You are an awful person, a spammer/flamer/idiot and should be banned for that. There is nothing worse than someone who can handle their own problems and even make fun of himself for good times. You should be hung by a tenticle entrail.

5. Final Fantasy is the best game ever made

Despite the fact that Betrayal at Krondor, Elder Scrolls, and several FPS games are classics, they are not as good as a few choice lines of emotion, anime sequences, big ass weapons that defy the law of gravity, and "kawaii moments" that are the Final Fantasy games...I mean "titles." I forgot, these games aren't games, but titles and are the greatest games ever made, even though Betrayal at Krondor, Elder Scrolls, and Zelda have been around longer than FF. The reason why no one remembers Krondor is because it's "too difficult to play" which really translates to "I don't want to take the time to learn to keep my weapons and food updated while the FF game does it for me." Seriously, if you don't like Sephiroth, you're a loser. Ouch, I'm a loser to anime and video game fans, for SHAME.

(Note: I like the Final Fantasy series, I just don't worship them like a nerd does a swimsuit model.)

6. Use emoticons and japanese words in every sentence

Me: So, how's your dad, is he better?
Anime Fan: Lol, he ish so kawaii in the hospital bed!!!! ^_________________^
Me:...but I thought he had several second degree burns after you lit a sparkler too close to him...
Anime Fan: Aren't I ish so BAKA??? LOLOLOLOL XD
Me: ....you're scaring me
Anime Fan: LOLOLOLOL ^_^ O_O XD >_>

I think that explains for itself.

So, there you have it. Just follow those six simple steps and you'll be on your way to hitting on children and kissing ass in no time!

On a special note, I would like you all to write several comments to Member Name on this site so I may give them to him so his internet ego can boost up. If anyone needs details, I'll e-mail you our wonderful conversations. If the rest of my fans know what I am talking about, then do not hesitate! You have one week!


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Weekend Update April 17-21

I'm back after my crazy Oblivion runs to bring you a few things happening this week in the wonderful world of idiots! :D

Good news for New Orleans! Brad Pitt is throwing a contest to rebuild a "Green" New Orleans. Apparently, the idea came to him as he was staring at his 10,000 square feet of Mahogany floors covered in his own green vomit after he found out what his adopted son would look like.

Next door over in Scottsdale, Harry Morton was very confused at several city council members after opening his new mexican restaurant named "The Pink Taco." Harry Morton was further confused when he noticed several leather clad biker men and short-haired beefy women pull up at the store's close....

In Long Island, two owners of a Python released it into the "wild." The long snake then went on an eating frezy gobbling a cat, a duck, and nearly two children before aprehended by the police. The community was very relieved by the python's capture...while the python was disappointed he didn't et the free toy with his Children McMeal....so...when you see him down at the shelter...

Scranton, Pennsylvania met with an amazing case as a ten year old girl, yes, a ten year old girl, was seen tossing bags of crack/cocaine out a window during a drug bust. The mother, thirty years of age, was arrested for drug possession, processing, corruption of a minor, child endangerment, and even embezzlement. The ten year old was reported by police to be very street smart of everything that was going on. The little girl gave a description of the drug shark and police are now looking for this suspect:

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Baylor Law Students protested outside of the campus library this week due to the dean throwing a pre-prom party for his son and friends. As unfair as it sounds, it should be known that only half of the library was closed off, while the other half remained open for students. Many parents claimed that the students needed to "grow up." Now, in The Truth's honest opinion, aside from learning the fine art of whining and being ignorant, the first fine tools of being a lawyer, they should have focused on the more important part of being a lawyer: getting flat out hammered with the dean and hitting on girls half their age!

Carnegie Mellon University graduate students Eric Brown and Asi Burak have designed a video game which allows the player to promote peaceful solutions for Israel/Palestinian trade agreements. Unfortunately, the Israels will be disappointed to find out there is no "BOMB THE CRAP OUT OF IRAN" option.

And finally, in London, England, several youngsters were reported by The Pigeon Control Advisory Service (PiCAS) for tossing bird feed into the streets in an attempt to witness the running over of several pigeons and seagulls. The pigeons later got together at the local part and came up with this solution: SHIT ON MORE CARS.

And that's the news for ya! I've just seen the crazy lady promoting soldier's deaths and will have an article soon, so stay tuned!


Friday, April 07, 2006

Updates Soon

Being addicted to Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and spending some really nice quality time with April, I've been gone for a majority of the month (as well as settling into our new home). I've had some rather amusing stuff happen to me this past month that I will share. Here is what to look for:

My sister's day at adult responsibility

Review on Oblivion

PETA (jesus, I really gotta get to this one)

Anime stories you thought never existed

And, of course, Weekend Update with Grey Fox

Well, it's time for me to hit the hay and prepare myself for more "bitter" and "hateful" articles. Also, a special congratulations to Jay Naylor (read my Better Days article to find out who this freak of nature is). Apparently, he has moved out of his parent's basement and next door to them! You can read all about it on his news link (but it's in code to cover up his shame). Good night, Tucson, I love you!

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Jay Naylor hates black people...and real girls! SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN A BUNNY, FAST!


Oh, and thanks, Mr. AIM porn spammer. I'll be sure to look at that link right away so my computer gets infected!