Saturday, August 13, 2005

Sweet 16 Spoiled Brats

All right, that's it, I've had it. Has anyone watched that show "My Super Sweet 16" on MTV? Yes? Okay. Then, what the hell is wrong with these people? Hm? Goddamn it it's so fucking frusterating! I mean, these 16 year old girls prancing around with all the money in the world, and they are STILL fucking bitching about their mom's cutting off their credit cards. "Om my god, my mom totally ruined my birthday!" and they're bursting into tears. These chicks go to these expensive stores that I only DREAM about shopping in. Like Doir and Gucci and Jiki. And they complain about the dress colors, that they are too ugly or "I can't stand the way people are throwing their fashions senses at me. I know what I like, and Jiki is NOT it."
Girl, save it you brat! These bitches get on National TV and show us just how conceited and whiny they can be about having all the money in the world but their parents won't let them spend it the way they want to. Bitches, I'm having a Sweet 16 and people let me tell you, my mother and father are puling the limits for my damn party. These girls bitch about their credit cards getting canceled, honey, I wish I HAD a credit card! Shit, man, these girls get CARS for their birthdays...I'm going to have to get a job, work my ASS off, THEN I can buy a fucking car.
Then, there are these idiotic marriage shows, that we tend to watch when there is nothing else to watch right? Like the whole Jessica & Nick show? What the fuck is that? The show only promotes that Jessica is all we make her out to be: a Hott Blonde, who doesn't know how to cook, is an idiot-airhead, and is the most disgusting person I've ever seen on TV. The same goes for Paris Hilton and her ugly sister.
I'm out bitches, peace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day

12:50 AM  

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